Near Fresno, CA 93725
Job Details: 04/30/2018
customer complaint was that the unit is not freezing at all gets cold but not cold enough to freeze. eports unit is not cooling. Found cap tube restricted at filter drier. The cap was frosted all the way to evap coils. Replaced filter drier. Vacc/charge system. FAILED THE CAP TUBE RESTRICTED. THERE IS NO CAP TUBE AVAILBLE TO CLOSE TO CABINET. THE CAP IS RESTRICTED. there has been a sealed system done on the unit, the cap tube is too short to redo sealed sstem. reffered cx to whirlpool as this unit was deemed unrepairable by whirlpool techline
Near Fresno, CA 93723
Job Details: 04/30/2018
washer wont fill up and wont spin the clothes fully unit is out of balance. Preordered parts W10780053 (SUSPENSION), W11038711 (CNTRL), , CX says clothes are wet after cycle. And at times will not complete cycles. Had wet clothes in the unit as example. Checked error codes found two codes. LID UNLOCK FAULT/ NO FILL LONG FILL. Cleared codes and test components. Checked lock responds in test mode. Test water valve ISSUE, THE HOT SOLINOID IS BUZZING LOUDLY. Checked suspension ISSUE, BOTTOMS OUT WHEN PUSH TESTED. Replaced suspension and replaced water valve. Test all components, passed
Near Firebaugh, CA 93622
Job Details: 04/30/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWC300XW1 , unit fills up and doesnt start. Based on problem description preordered W10404050/lid Lock , Wpw10006355/actuator , W10866116/cntrl-elec . When tech arrived he found the washer has a broken connection in the wire harness inside actuator connector unit needs new wire harness. Ordered harness WPW10297440 (HARNESS). On return visit tech removed parts listed, Powered on shifter test failed, actuator is failed replaced. The lock would delay to unlock, installed lock. Assembled unit completely, test components.
Near Waterford, CA 95386
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRX735SDHV00, door is not sealing opens back up by itself not producing much ice. When tech arrived he contacted tech support and they informed him that its normal if the flap separator opens up after cubes or crushed ice is dispensed. Customer isn't satisfied with design. Unit works as designed job completed.
Near Turlock, CA 95382
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWB725BW0, washer is giving F51 error code. Based on error code we pre-ordered WPW10178988 sensor and WPW104193333 stator. When tech arrived he confirmed error code and removed and replaced parts listed ran diagnositc test mode and it completed the drain spin. Unit works as designed.
Near Turlock, CA 95382
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Maytag dryer model number MGDB725BW0, having locking issues female part of lock is broken. Pre-ordered catch WPW10111905. When tech arrived he confirmed the catch was broken and removed and replaced part ordered. Tested unit and its locking as designed.
Near Keyes, CA 95328
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF767SDEM01, unit not making ice starting not to cool. Pre-ordered compressor W10779331 and when tech arrived he tested unit it wasn't cooling and he removed and replaced compressor pre-ordered and unit works as designed now.
Near Ceres, CA 95307
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF555SDFZ05, unit is not cooling. When tech arrived he found compressor not running he pulled unit out and found connector to relay not connected. Reconnected and unit kicked on. Job completed.
Near Ceres, CA 95307
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Maytag dryer model number MEDX655DW0, not drying properly. When tech arrived he found it not heating and pulled unit out and removed back panel, tested element and found element to be bad, tested cut off thl and found it to be good. Tested wall outlet and found 245AC, replaced old element from stock 279838 ELEMENT. Unit now works as designed.
Near Modesto, CA 95351
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWC360AW0, wash cycle not working properly water is having fill issues. Pre-ordered Wpw10683603/valve, W10520038/cntrl-elec. When tech arrived unit does not agitate or spin checked for codes found actuator fault code, installed new parts retested unit and it works as designed.
Near Tracy, CA 95376
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW5000DW1, washer isn't operating. When tech arrived he found codes for pressure sensor fault, switch mismatch and motor speed fault, motor tested okay and checked hose for pressure sensor, unable to recal unit. Ordered W11116592 control board. On return visit tech removed and replaced the control board and retested unit and it works as designed.
Near Modesto, CA 95356
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS588FIHV00, fridge is freezing everything in fridge section. When tech arrived damper door was sticking open/closed. Ordered W10750143 diffuser. On return visit removed and replaced part and unit tested fine. Works as designed.
Near Riverbank, CA 95367
Job Details: 04/28/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW4815EW0, water filling issues. When tech arrived he found unit cycling from hot to cold to hot, ordered water valved assembly W11038704 water valve. On return visit tech removed and replaced the water valve. Tested unit it completed cycles and is working as designed.
Near Oakdale, CA 95361
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool double oven model number KODC304ESS00, door glass is damaged. pre-ordered 2 4448520 (bumper)s and 4 WP3400832 (screw)s and 1 WP8303698 (liner-door). When tech arrived he removed and replaced parts and unit works as designed.
Near Oakdale, CA 95361
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS322FDAW04, unit is not cooling has crack inside fridge. When tech arrived he foudn crisper bin sticking out. Grease crisper bin instructed customer on controls and water filter replacement. Unit is working as designed.
Near Manteca, CA 95337
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool microwave over the range model number WMH53520CS6, unit is not working correctly it works then doesnt work. Pre-ordered microswitch W10727360 (MICROSWITCH. When tech arrived he removed and replaced microswitch. Unit works as designed.
Near Colton, CA 92324
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool range model number WFG710H0AS1, unit will not spark. When tech arrived unit would not bake burner not igniting found weak spark needs dsi board and igniter. ordering WPW10324262 (igntr-oven) and 1 WPW10331686 (module-spk). On return visit tech arrived and removed and replaced parts ordered. Unit works as designed.
Near Yucaipa, CA 92399
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool dryer model number WGD7000DW3, dryer is not heating. When tech arrived unit was taking to long to dry found restricted vent instructed customer to have vent cleaned.
Near Highland, CA 92346
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRX988SIBM03, the unit is leaking behind the door. When tech arrived he found defrost water not draining from fresh food compartment. After using steamer from boith ends of tubing for over 20 mins water began to flow possibly in tube. Unit is working fine at the time.
Near Highland, CA 92346
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWB835DW1, unit not working. When tech arrived unit was burning smell not working found seized water pump, replaced W10876600 water pump from stock. Unit works as designed.
Near Highland, CA 92346
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Near Fontana, CA 92335
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW8000BW0, drain cycle not working properly. When tech arrived unit not working found error code F71 ran diagnositcs verfied error F71. drag on basket or suds, checked for abnormal drag on basket checked motor and sensor connections are good. Washer agitates in autho tested unit and it spns in manuel test. Ordered W10761028 control. On return visit tech removed and replaced the control. Job is completed.
Near Fontana, CA 92337
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW5000DW1, start button not working. When tech arrived found error code F7E1 error speed sensor. Checked drive system found backed out pulley nut and added loctite. Tested and recalibrated unit works as designed.
Near Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRX988SIBM00, not making ice. Pre-ordered W10633627/motor-evap, Wpw10389152/support, Wpw10764668/icemaker. When tech arrived unit was not making ice unit displayed E5 error code failed thermistor icemaker thermistor ok.
Near Colton, CA 92324
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW7040DW1, unit displaying error code LF. unit would make a strange sound when the water was dispensing. Pre-ordrered W11173597/housing Valve. When tech arrived he confirmed error code and removed and replaced housing valve. Job is completed.
Near Claremont, CA 91711
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool dryer model number WGD4815EW2, unit is not drying clothes properly. When tech arrived unit was taking to long to dry. Found open thermal fuse. Removed an replaced thermal fuse tested all works at time.
Near Claremont, CA 91711
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRMF706ESS01, freezer is frozen and won't allow water dispenser to work properly. When tech arrived unit was not producing ice and there is condensation ordered W10864518 (adapter) and 1 W10864519 (adapter). On return visit tech removed and replaced parts ordered. Unit works as designed.
Near Upland, CA 91786
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW5000DW1, unit does not spin or turn on. When tech arrived unit will not complete a spin cycle. Found unit stuck in a suds lock causing the unit to not spin cycle. Calibrated and tested unit. Unit works as designed now.
Near Ontario, CA 91762
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF560SEYM05, the door is hard to open, freeezer freezes up.
Near Ontario, CA 91764
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS325FDAM04, filter not coming and dispenser might be leaking. When tech arrived water filter got stuck in the housing. Removed filter and replaced door lever that was not in correctly. Unit works as designed.
Near Azusa, CA 91702
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool dryer model number WGD4815EW2, dryer is not heating . When tech arrived he found open thermal fuse cutting off power to ignition system replaced thermal fuse WP3392519 from stock and all tests good.
Near Fontana, CA 92336
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF736SDAM14, having cooling issue and the motor is noisy. When tech arrived he found ice build up around evap fan motor cleared ice and unit tested good.
Near Fontana, CA 92336
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWC565FW0, wash cycle not working properly. Pre-ordered w10913953/actuator. When tech arrived he found failed shifter has a broken gear not shifting from spin to agitate replaced shifter calibrated and tested all checked good.
Near Rialto, CA 92377
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool dryer model number WGD7300XW0, unit isn't heating. When tech arrived he found open thermal fuse cutting off power to ignition system causing unit not to heat replaced fuseWP3390719 from stock, all tested good.
Near Pasadena, CA 91107
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRFF707ESS01, unit is not cooling. When tech arrived he found ffc temp at 60 degrees. reset unit still not working ordered W10832994 (COMPRESSOR ) and 1 W11116006 (FFC EVAP). On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed vacuumed system and recharged it to 5.50 oz of refrigerant r134-a. Unit works a designed.
Near Pasadena, CA 91107
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRFC704FPS00, unit is still not cooling in the freezer compartment unit is not going below 55. When tech arrived he ordered ecap W10865322, W11109499 non dye dryer. On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed unit now works as designed.
Near Glendale, CA 91208
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WDT720PADM2, unit has no power like it unplugged but its plugged in. W10854231/cntrl-elec, W10815487/panel-cntl, and W11084121/sensor. When tech arrived unit panel was dead. Opened junction box found no power going to dishwasher. Installed parts listed, tested power cord and used extension cord unit working as designed.
Near Moorpark, CA 93021
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRFF707ESS01, interior lights not illuminating. Pre-ordered W10830288/cntrl-elec. When tech arrived unit led's are lighting. Checked unit and verified complaint. Unplugged unit and replaced led board. Unit now functions as designed.
Near Moorpark, CA 93021
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid dishwasher KDTE234GPS0, unit is not drying at all. Ran diagnostics and no errors found. Found the left side of door hitting unit when closing. Didn’t find any problems with units function and performance. Advices customer to use rinse aid for better drying on dishes. Unit is working as designed.
Near Moorpark, CA 93021
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid cooktop model number KCGS556ESS02, strong gas oder when in use and liingers for a long time after. When tech arrived unit has a gas smell during use. Checked unit and tested the gas line to unit with water and soap for any leaks. Didn’t find anything wrong with unit. Unit is working as design.Carbon monoxide installed. Natural smell when using. Documented with whirlpool.
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRFC704FSS00, not making ice also does not fill to top only half way. pre-ordered W10908391/icemaker and W10873098/valve. When tech arrived he found unit not making ice. Ran diagnostic test 97 and water valve is not dispensing. Need to replace the dual water valve control board. W11131873 (CNTRL-ELECT) and 1 W11194380 (VALVE). On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed. Unit now works as designed.
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid oven model number KOSE507ESS02, unit is having heating issues. When tech arrived unit is not heating properly unit did not display any error codes. Preheated unit and ran 6 cycles to determine average temperature. Unit average temp is at 354.3 F. Unit is working as designed.
Near Oxnard, CA 93030
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool dishwasher model number WDT720PADM0, whirlpool dishwasher is not rinsing door not closing all the way. Pre-ordered Wpw10653840/latch-door, 2 Wp8268961/pads, Wpw10671941/pump&motor. When tech arrived unit door can not close and is not draining. Checked unit and ran diagnostics and found error codes. Also found the upper wheels broken and not able to be adjusted. Also the door is discolored. Unit also needs 4 W11157085 (WHEEL-UPER)s and 1 WPW10393264 (nameplate) and 1 WPW10644292 (panel). On return visit tech removed and replaced all parts listed. Unit now works as designed.
Near Westlake Village, CA 91362
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRSC503ESS00, unit is not making ice. Pre-ordered KRSC503ESS00 icemaker. When tech arrived unit was not producing ice. set unit on diagnostic test and ran test #44 ice maker harvesting not going into the cycle. Removed and replaced pre-ordered part. Unit works as designed.
Near Westlake Village, CA 91361
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF535FMVM00, not cooling. When tech arrived he found ice build up in the evaporator like some type of incomplete defrost due to computer board glitch. Set unit into diagnostic and forced a defrost. Manually removed the ice and reset controls. Unit works as designed.
Near Oxnard, CA 93030
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WFW95HEDW0, washer leaking from the front door and softener is not working. Pre-ordered WFW95HEDW0, Wpw10435242/valve Wpw10365885/drawer. When tech arrived he found damaged door bellow and clogged detergent dispenser. He removed and replaced parts listed and unit works as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91311
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool waher LA712, washer is making loud noise. When tech arrived unit was smoking up found burnt belt and motor not running just getting hot. Ordered 12002353/motor,2 sp&jumper kt) and 1 12112425 (belt set-maytag) and 1 205000 (roller kit) and 1 WP6-2008160 (pulley- mo). On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed.
Near Oxnard, CA 93035
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid freezer model number KRFC300ESS01, frost and condensation in freezer. When tech arrived he found unit had appromoximately 12 inches long gap on the bottom of the door. Used some sealer gum to puff up the gasket and corrected the rest of the gasket with heat gun. Unit now works as designed.
Near San Fernando, CA 91340
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW4816FW0, unit not working. When tech arrived unit would fill with 20 gallons of water on any cycle. Pressure tube clear, also found hot water valve not closing all the way. Unit needs water valve and main board. W1103871/vavle and W11124783/control. On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed. Unit works as designed.
Near San Fernando, CA 91340
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KSF26C7XYY00, unit is not cooling like it should. When tech arrived unit was not cooling in the RC. Measured temp with thermal couple in RC and after 15 minutes temp came to 52F. Measured FC temp after 15 mins thermal couple read 20F. Inspected frost patterns of both evaporators and found minimal frost pattern consistent with a low charge diagnosis. unit needs new compressor WPW10466675 and evaporator WPW1064326. When sealed system tech returned he removed and replaced compressor and evaporator. Unit now functions as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91352
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF535SMBM00, door isn't closing correctly. Pre-ordered W10571956/gasket-fip. When tech arrived he found gasket was damaged due to improper opening and shutting of the door. Removed and replaced gasket unit now works as designed.
Near La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number KURS24RSBS01, unit is not cooling. Pre-ordered compressor, 8201787/COMPRESSOR. When tech arrived unit was blowing hot air. Checked and found no frost pattern. Needs new compressor. Removed and replaced pre-ordered compressor. Unit now works as designed
Near La Crescenta, CA 91214
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WFW97HEXL2, washer will not dispense the detergent it starts a new spin cycle instead of stopping the cycle. Pre-ordered Wpw10247306/valve, W10842325/dispenser, W10250743a/dispenser, Wpw10442138/cntrl-elec. When tech arrived unit would not dispense detergent was not completing a cycle and had water issues. Found bad valve and dispenser components. Unit also had code for mainboard control and motor control. Installed control, valve and dispenser unit now functions as designed.
Near La Crescenta, CA 91214
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Near Los Angeles, CA 91604
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Ikea refrigerator model number IX7HHEXDSM00, unit freezer door is closed shut. Pre-ordered Wpw10120018/slide and 8212547RP/tube water. When tech arrived freezer door wouldn't open up. He found slides binding, removed and replaced the slides. Unit functions as designed.
Near Oak Park, CA 91377
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WFW92HEFW0, detergent for unit is not dispensing. Pre-ordered W10862190/dispenser and Wpw10247306/valve. When tech arrived unit would not dispense detergent. Removed and replaced the dispsener and valve, retested unit and it functions as designed.
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Job Details: 04/27/2018
Kitchen-aid oven model number KODE507ESS02, when in use it makes a loud noise like fan or air movement. Pre ordered W10861504/blower. When tech arrived unit would make noise when fan turned on. Tested unit foudn noisy blower and heat stuffing from the liner contacting connect fan. Replaced blower, cleared restrictions and tested unit unit functions as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91342
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model WFW7590FW0, normal wash is only giving 30 minutes only original is 55 min. Pre-ordered W11201273/cntrl. When tech arrived and UI is glitchy tested UI through diagnostics and failed UI test.
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool dryer model number WGD5000DW3, dryer not heating. When tech arrived check operations unit is short cycling coil valves are messing up. ordered 2 WPW10328463 coil valve. On return visit tech removed and replace coils and unit started work and heat unit is venting properly.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91311
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number LA712, washer is making a loud noise. When tech arrived unit is burning and creating smoke, found bad motor and broken belt. Need to order 12002353 (motor,2 sp&jumper kt) and 112112425 (belt set-maytag) and 1 205000 (roller kit) and 1 WP6-2008160 (pulley- mo). On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed unit now functions as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91306
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWX655DW1, unit not starting. When tech arrived he found water valves filter screen clogged up with dirt/sand. Reconnected water hose and calibrated washer ran a self test cycle unit completed cycle no issue. Unit works as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91367
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWX655DW1, the unit is not agitating. Tech arrived and found unit unplugged from power supply plugged unit into power and put unit into test mode, found drain erroe code, found loose connection at drain pump reconnected pump calibrated washer unit completed a self test self cycle with no issues. Unit works as designed.
Near Calabasas, CA 91302
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Jenn-air dishwasher model number JDB9600CWS90, unit needs power cord kit do to recall. Tech arrived customer presented letter of recall for power cord removed and replaced cord. Job completed
Near Calabasas, CA 91302
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Kitchen-aid dishwasher model number KDTE204DSS0, unit starts then blue light comes on then unit stops. Pre-ordered Wpw10455260/pump&motor and Wpw10531320/pump-drain. When tech arrived unit shuts off after a few mins starting a cycle and unit is working and draining properly removed and replaced parts listed. Completed test cycle with no issues unit is working properly.
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS571CIDM02, when door is open motor starts running loudly, water tastes like plastic. When tech arrived unit was making a loud funny noise tech found faultly diffuser need order to order part. W11164593 diffuser. On return visit tech removed and replaced diffuser and unit works as designed.
Near Palmdale, CA 93551
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF993FIFM00, ice maker not producing ice. When tech arrived he found that the ice maker is not working checked temp sensor and its reading to high in the ice bucket. The evap is over frosted and needs new cover. W10889841 cover evap. On return visit tech removed and replaced cover and unit works as designed.
Near Palmdale, CA 93551
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WDF520PADM7, unit smells bad after cleaning cycles and gunk builds up inside. When tech arrived complaint was unit was not drying and was producing a bad smell saying it leaves a film on the dishes and tub. He didn't see any gunk build up and dishwasher didn't smell terrible. Instructed customer on dishwasher cleaners, checked heater and it isn't working ordered W10518394 heater. On return visit tech removed and replaced heater unit works as designed.
Near Palmdale, CA 93551
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS325FDAM02, unit is not cooling. When tech arrived customer stated that the unit was no cool at all. It started to defrost. The unit had doors off and hardware missing to where I can’t reinstall the door. Unit seems to cool but need hardware to accurately test the unit. ordrng 2 W10856122 (screw 4.46)s and 2 W11164088 (HINGE 26.03)s and 4 WPW10308751 (screw 4.85) On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed. Tested unit and it is working as designed.
Near Palmdale, CA 93552
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF535SMBM00, ice maker not making ice. When tech arrived he found the ice maker not making ice and ejector arms in down position. Ice maker getting power and not harvesting. Needs new ice maker. Ordered W10884390 ice maker. On return visit tech removed and replaced ice maker unit now functions as designed.
Near Lancaster, CA 93535
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW4816FW2, unit is not powering on. When tech arrived customer stated wouldn't start after she unplugged unit. Checked codes and found long drain error. Tested pump in manuel test and it came on and is getting power not pumping water. Don't see a blockage pump just stopped pushing water. Impeller is bad. Ordering W10919003 pump. On return visit tech removed and replaced the pump and unit works as designed.
Near Lancaster, CA 93535
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWB955FW1, washer glass lid shattered. Pre-ordered lid W10885622 and W10885619 frame. When tech arrived he found glass lid shattered customer stated one day it just made a loud pop and the glass was shattered. Do not suspect customer abuse unit is still has wrapping and packaging on it. Removed and replaced the parts listed.
Near Lancaster, CA 93534
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MHW4200BW0, unit has noise during wash cycle and control board has error. Tech arrived and customer had video of the unit making a noise and it sounded like metal vibrating which sounded normal but door is sagging a little and needs new hinge ordered WPW10208415 hinge. On return visit tech removed and replaced the hinge it was actually broken. Unit works as designed.
Near Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WETLV27HW0, washer will fill with water but wont start. When tech arrived customer stated the unit would shake like crazy and not operate properly that it would shut down mid cycle. Instantly notice the unit was unleveled. Leveled unit properly and tested unit and it works as designed.
Near Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool dishwasher model number WDTA50SAHZ0, detergent rinse aid dispenser issue. Tech found the door seal for the dispenser was popped out of door popped it off the door and reset seal. Unit works as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRB322DMBW00, ice has odor and taste funny. When tech arrived the ice had bad odar and bad taste customer had rubber inlet hose called techline and they said the hose is the cause of the taste and odor. Informed customer the inlet line needs to be replaced.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag range model number MGR8775AS0, operations uneven baking and a gas smell or possible leak. Pre-ordered Wpw10324262/igntr-oven. When tech arrived the oven would intermittlenly late. Found what looks like a crack on igniter removed and replaced it and tested unit. Unit still did not light, looked at service matters found service issues for occasional none lighting and advised to order oven burner. W10700720 burner-oven. On return visit tech removed and replaced burner kit and unit functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool mircowave model number WMH53520CS6, door or open and close door is on display. Pre ordered Door interlock switches W10269458/switch, W10269460/switch, W10727360/microswitch, W10870089/brkt-suppt. When tech arrived the unit would tell customer to open and close the door when they tried to cook. Found door switches shorting out. Removed and replaced the switches and bracket support. Tested unit and it functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool microwave model number WMH32519CB0, not working. When tech arrived he found unit was heating but found mag tube burned up ordered magnetron. On return visit tech removed and replaced WPW10693025 magnetron and unit works as designed.
Near Lamont, CA 93241
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number NTW4516FW, washer basket hanging uneven lid not locking. When tech arrived unit was not draining. Unit was not draining because it was hooked to quarter inch diameter drain line. He disconnected extra tiny drain line and unit drain and gasket came back to normal position. Called tech line to confirm that installation was the issue, confirmed diagnostic. Customer needs plumbing with ability to drain the water as fast as washer pumps it out. Informed customer and they okayed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWX500XW, unit is making grinding noise. Pre-ordered W11132267/gearcase, Wpw10276397/pump-water. When tech arrived the unit was loud in spin cycle. Found gearcase leaking oil and making metal to metal grinding. Removed and replaced gearcase and tested unit. Unit functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag refrigerator model number MFI2269FRZ02, unit is using a lot of electricity. When tech arrived customer complaint was the unit was running too much. Unit was cooling properly with perfect temperatures in both freezer and fresh food compartment. Took amp draw of compressor and compressor was pulling the correct answers. Explain to customer that this unit should run about 90% of the time. Answered all questions customer had about unit instructed customer on proper use and care of unit. Unit functions normal at time of service
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW8500DR2, the washer makes a loud noise during wash cycle. When tech arrived the unit was loud he found wash plate loose. Secured wash plate retested unit and it functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWB835DW1, washer does not lock or start. Pre-ordered W10810403/latch, W11100602/cntrl-elec. When tech arrived the unit was not starting or locking removed and replaced the control and latch unit now works as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Roper washer model number RTW4516FW, barely moves when agitates lid will not reopen. Pre-ordered 285811/CAM DRIVEN, W10721967/cam and W11035749/gearcase. When tech arrived unit would not rense or spin. Found unit with lid lock fault code. Removed and replaced lid lock and calibrated unit and it wouldn't agitate removed and replaced gearcase, cam and cam driven. Retested unit it now agitates and lid opens unit is working as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Kitchen-aid washer model number KDFE104DSS5, unit is not draining. Pre-ordered Wpw10348269/pump-drain. Tech arrived and unit was not draining. drain pump would not activate it. Removed and replaced pump and tested unit. It functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool oven model number WFG520S0FS0, oven temperature to cold. Pre-ordered Wp9758079/igntr-oven, Wpw10701462/harns-wire,Wpw10511278/module-spk, Wpw10602001/valve-gas, 30-48KITRC/CONNECTOR. Tech inspected the unit was not baking correctly setting up to 400 and flame turned off at 120°. Flame relit immediately but only stayed lit for about a minute. This repeatedly happened three times before temperature even reached 200. Called tech-support and found voltage being dropped from the main board to DSI and bake cycle. Unit needs new main board and decide to be replaced W11027098 (cntrl-elec). On return visit tech removed and replaced all parts and tested unit it now functions as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW7300DW0, washer not spinning out clothes. Pre-ordered control W10812422/cntrl-elec. Tech arrived and found board not responding removed and replaced part and found wires burnt and UI no display. ordered W10780060 harness, W10909732 console, W10915405 harness. When tech went back he removed and replaced the parts and unit worked as designed.
Near Kernville, CA 93238
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number WRV986FDEM01, fridge is not maintaining cold temp adjusted to lowest setting 32 degrees still not cold. Pre-ordered W11087438/harness Refer, Wpw10389152/support. Tech arrived and removed and replaced parts listed and ran through diagnostic procedures both the freezer fan and the fresh food fan quit the relay board stopped sending power to them unit needs new electric control WPW10675033. On return visit tech removed and replaced control unit works as designed.
Near Corcoran, CA 93212
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRS325SDHZ00, temp issues barely cools. Tech arrived inspected unit both compartments not cooling . Diagnosed the unit , incoming voltage to control - 120 v . The control is not providing voltage to compressor . ; ordrng 1 W10911770 (WIRE HARNESS ) and 1 W11174836 (ELECTRONIC CONTROL ) On return visit tech removed and replaced all parts and unit now cools as designed.
Near Corcoran, CA 93212
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Near Avenal, CA 93204
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRF736SDAM14, unit making loud noise inside freezer. Tech inspected unit ran diagnostic found the evaporator is frosting up , fan is making a loud noise . 1 67006339 (grommet- f) and 1 W10865431 (motor-evap) On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed, unit no longer makes loud noise inside freezer. Unit works as designed.
Near Riverdale, CA 93656
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag washer model number MVWX655DW1, unit started to make a series of clicking noise. Tech inspected unit. Customer complaining , the washer makes a clicking/banging noise . diagnosed the unit , found off balance load error . The front left suspension rod was not hooked on the washer cabinet . I reinstalled the suspension rod . Performed calibration , ran a quick wash cycle test . All functions checked good .
Near Lemoore, CA 93245
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Kitchen-aid refrigerator model number KRSF505ESS00, unit is not cooling. When tech arrived he inspected refrigerator RC not cooling . I found the RC evaporator is frosting up . Shorted thermistor W10316760 (thermistor) and 1 W11098695 (fan-scroll) will replace on return visit. On return visit tech removed and replaced all parts listed. Unit is now cooling as designed.
Near Hanford, CA 93230
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool refrigerator model number WRX988SIBM01, fan or motor is loud when running, ice maker not working either. nspected a whirpool refrigerator . Customer complaining , RC not cooling correctly . I diagnosed the unit , found shorted evaporator thermistor . The evaporator is covered with frost. 1 W10633627 (motor-evap) and 1 W10837236 (harns-wire) and 1 WPW10389152 (support). On return visit, tech removed and replaced parts and unit works as designed.
Near Tulare, CA 93274
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW5000DW1, operations spin cycle not working properly. senor light starts blinking and wont operate. Tech inspected a whirpool washer. Customer complaining , not completing wash cycles . During diagnostic tech found drive motor error code , just making humming noise, will need to replace both parts at the same time W11158831 (CAPACITOR ) and 1 WPW10006487 (motor-drve). On return visit tech removed and replaced both parts and unit works as designed.
Near Hanford, CA 93230
Job Details: 04/20/2018
Maytag dryer model number MEDX655DW1, dryer not drying. Tech inspected a maytag dryer not drying . He found the power cord L1 was loose on the terminal block , therefore , the unit was heating intermittently . I tightened the screw . Ran a dryer cycle test . All functions checked good . The unit is heating as designed
Near Tulare, CA 93274
Job Details: 04/19/2018
Whirlpool oven model number WFG540H0ES1, oven doesn't run on at all. When tech arrived he inspected unit and found control not powering on incoming voltage to the control board is 120v results in a shorted control will have to replace electric control WPW10349742. On return visit tech replaced control and unit works as designed.
Near Los Banos, CA 93635
Job Details: 04/19/2018
Whirlpool washer model number WTW5100VQ2. each wash doesn't spin during cycle. When tech arrived unit is spin is making loud noises. the tub can be held by hand in spin. Unit has a failed spin tube, there is oil on the floor under unit from transmission. Ordering gearcase 3360629 and spin tube W10820043. On return visit tech removed and replaced parts listed unit now works as designed.
Near Los Banos, CA 93635
Job Details: 04/19/2018
Whirlpool freezer model number WRT311FZDB01, freezer is not cooling. When tech arrived unit was frosted over causing ppoor cooling conditions. Verified frost issue. removed freezer panel to check components and remove ice. Found issue is the heater was not connected to the freezer wire harness. Unit works as designed.
Near Los Banos, CA 93635
Job Details: 04/19/2018
Maytag dryer model number MEDX655DW1, there is no operation to the unit. Upon techs arrival the dryer didn't start. The issue is the start switch component fell behind the console. Installed switch back onto control. The control is holding all functions normal.