Near Pasadena, CA 91106
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KSCS25FVSS00 Cx states that fridge stopped cooling. Insp cites unit. Found evap is frosted over. All fans and lights are flickering on and off. Hearing a click at control. Unit needs a new control. Informed cx that the control is discontinued.
Near Apple Valley, CA 92307
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GW0 Cx reports aleak found failed water valve on unit leaking from valve housing replaced valve unit tested good ; used 1 W11165546 (VALV) from stock
Near Pinon Hills, CA 92372
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER AMANA NTW4605EW0 Failed gear case shaft dropped causing cam gears to rub during agitation damaging cam routed for cam and transmission ; ordrng 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W11255272 (GEAR CASE )
Near Hesperia, CA 92345
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LGHT2046QF0 Top shelf glass is broken can’t verify purchase date on unit cust does not have the pop if covered will return to install glass ; 1 242087901 (glass-shelf)
Near Apple Valley, CA 92307
Job Details: 10/22/2018
MICROWAVE IKEA IMBS104GSS00 Replaced failed parts tested good
Near Hesperia, CA 92345
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW72HEDW0 Replaced control and pump all tested good
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MGDB835DW4 Cx states noise tested unit found sock stuck in blower removed and unit tested good
Near Los Angeles, CA 91352
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBFS25EVMS00 Removed and replaced compressor. Vacuumed system for 22 minutes. Unit held vacuum. Charged unit to specs. Unit is now cooling. No dents dings or damages caused by tech.
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 10/22/2018
RANGE MAYTAG MGR6600FZ0 Finger print coating peeling on 2 spots at top of door see pics. Per customer they only use a stainless steel cleaner on unit these are the only 2 spots on unit peeling everything else checked good
Near Victorville, CA 92395
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW75HEFW0 Failed latch will lock but not unlock latch has power from control failed, latch replaced latch tested good
Near Altadena, CA 91001
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 Cx states theyre hearing buzzing noise. Ran unit. Buzzing starts after unit starts cycling. Removed drain pump found nothing there. Removed and replaced sump assembly. Unit is functioning as designed. Cx confirms noise is gone. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Pasadena, CA 91106
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE104DBL5 Removed and replaced sump assembly. Unit is functioning as designed, tub is wet after cycle. Said she only used dishwasher three times. Instructed cx since she wasn’t using any rinse aid on the proper use of rinse aid. Explained to cx that after 50-60 washes with rinse aid her unit will stop being wet. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Monrovia, CA 91016
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104DSS Cx states adjuster broke on both sides. Removed and replaced both adjusters and positioners. Unit is now functioning as designed. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE234GPS0 "Upon arrival cx stated unit stopped draing inspected unit and found wire harness was not secure at all, resecured and retested unit is now draining as designed"
Near Arcadia, CA 91007
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT541SZDW00 Called and spoke with techline. Techlinere recommended covering half of the air returns with metal tape. Said it’s an issue they have been finding that this is the fix.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91342
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MGDX655DW Cx states no heat while using dryer. Inspected unit. Found broken ignitor. Upon opening part to install new ignitor found that ignitor was broken. Ordering cx a new ignitor; ordrng 1 279311 (ignitor kit & bracke)
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GC0 F5e2 f 5e1 f5e3 f8e3 upon arrival solenoid cracked and unit was just filling with water full pressure and leaking and spraying water all in control area removed and replaced water valve witch fixed leak and valve was able to close recalibrated and retested and unit finished with no error codes but there is corrosion and water damage all over main control and needs to be replaced ordering W11130238; ordrng 1 CONTROL (CONTROL)
Near Simi Valley, CA 93063
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MHW3505FW1 Tested the unit again this time and water was backing up to the standpipe advise the customer they have a clog in the drain line I need to have it cleaned out and cleared because it backing up to the stand pipe is not a Mechanical failure, working as designed
Near Los Angeles, CA 91331
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB835DW4 Upon arrival u.i is none responsive removed and wplaced retested job complete
Near Los Angeles, CA 91344
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
M/W OTR MAYTAG MMV4205DS3 Per cx states unit is giving door open door closed Upon arrival found bad door switches removed and replaced retested job complete; ordrng 1 W10727360 (microswitch)
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFIRGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF606ESS01 Upon arrival removed and replaced motor evap unit cools as designed but rail does not self close re ordering rail; ordrng 1 RAIL (RAIL)
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 "Installed the drain hose tested ops unit drains correct advised the air gap to the garbage disposal is clogged , and did find rat droppings behind the dishwasher and that the unit drain lines would not be covered again if it leaks, customer understood"
Near Canyon Country, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW72HEDW0 Removed and replaced both control retested job complete
Near Los Angeles, CA 91335
Billy J.
Job Details: 10/22/2018
MICROWAVE IKEA IBMS1455DS00 Removed and replaced all parts listed retested and unit still not heating I have replace every control magnetron inverter line filter board and nothing cx states they called whirlpool and stated they requested another tech and was never given one I am requesting a senior tech I have no idea what else this could be cx not happy at all wants all documents email send to her.
Near Simi Valley, CA 93063
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHM00 "Replaced the water valve and u I board in the front tested the unit fill the icemaker unit still didn’t work and fill called tech line tested the electrical at the valve no power to valve then the main board in the back p2 connector orange black tr and common re did test no power he said to replace the main board in the back and the u I board in the side , removed and reconnected the main board in the back retested the unit fill to ice-maker it filled and should work correct now SR 7723235495 Joel"
Near Simi Valley, CA 93063
Job Details: 10/22/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS01 refrigerator was pushed all the way back up against the wall pinched the water line pulled unit forward 2 inches unit works as designed now
Near Moorpark, CA 93021
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFW0 F8 e2 is a Dispenser motor not functioning. Tested the unit dispenser motor on the good reconnected the motor tested in factory settings unit starts started working correctly and is now working might’ve had a loose connection somewhere and not sensing the Spencer motor moving tested operations unit is working as designed now
Near Santa Paula, CA 93060
Job Details: 10/22/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE234GPS0 "Checked operations unit is not dispensing jet dry , filled tested ops now is working and will dry correct advised customer to turn hot water on and prime the hot side then turn unit on to get a good wash and dry"
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 10/22/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW0 "Unit is grinding when it try’s to go to spin needs new gear case and other parts listed ordered parts; 1 W10754448 (clutch), 1 W10811956 (gearcase), 1 W10902814 (washplate)"
Near Tracy, CA 95376
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW3 "F2E1, Ran console button test, tested ok, instructed cx on audio functions."
Near Ripon, CA 95366
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MEDX655DW1 "Instructed cx on air flow issues, having dryer vent cleaned, tested ok air flow at back of dryer tested ok"
Near Riverbank, CA 95367
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRPOOL DU810SWPU3 "Unit not checking water at end of drain , back washing drain water, ordered drain/check valve assembly parts to rebuild drain system.; ordrng 1 WP3369177 (seal) and 1 WP3369178 (ball-check) and 1 WP8520839 (separator) and 1 WP8520841 (funnel-sep) and 1 WP8520843 (seal)"
Near Riverbank, CA 95367
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFX2876DRM02 "Reset fridge by unplugging & plugging back end, ordered main control brd & UI brd; ordrng 1 W10843055 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W10849420 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Modesto, CA 95355
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWC565FW1 "Instructed cx on how to use controls & feature, ran self diagnostics, unit operating as designed."
Near Hughson, CA 95326
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFC0 "Replaced dispenser & water pump, ran diagnostic cycle, unit operating as designed, other dispenser is with cruz."
Near Modesto, CA 95358
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW0 "Replaced washplate, ran self diagnostics, tested ok"
Near Riverside, CA 92507
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS00 Customer stated that on a few occasions if the doors are open for a small amount of time while cleaning the refer or putting away groceries the ice maker will stop working for days. Checked for error codes found E2 lost position. Found ice maker timed out during that time. Cycled all works good.
Near Moreno Valley, CA 92555
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRV986FDEM01 "Customer stated that door is leaking again. Same issue as before. (info enter before: (Unit leaking out of bottom of left side door. Found that the left side door has a defect on the bottom that is allowing humidity moisture to drip water that has been discolored by foam inside door. The bottom of door should have a plug covering where the foam was filled but this door never got one.) Ordering door customer aware doors take 6-8 weeks.; ordrng 1 W10815692 (dor-fip ss), 767.50"
Near Moreno Valley, CA 92555
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DC0 Customer stated that detergent is just running out of dispenser. Found drawer is cracked and leaking. Ordering drawer not in stock. Please send KC back on call not my area.; ordrng 1 W11129928 (drawer)
Near Riverside, CA 92506
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM00 Customer stated that ice maker has stopped working. Removed and replaced ice masker with new ice maker kit. Cycle tested all works good at this time.
Near Riverside, CA 92506
Job Details: 10/19/2018
FREEZER KITCHENAID KBFO42FTX00 "Customer needs a gasket; ordering 1 2309216 (gasket-fip)"
Near Riverside, CA 92505
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8000BW0 "Customer stated that during the spin cycle the unit came apart. Found suspension rod had broke off tub and tub hit cabinet damaging cabinet, broke tub and tub ring. Repair would need tub, basket, tub ring and cabinet.
Near Riverside, CA 92505
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507ESS01 "Customer stated refer compartment is not cooling. Found evaporator is frozen over. Ordering thermistor kit per service pointer. ordering 1 W10902214 (thermistor)"
Near Upland, CA 91786
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADB7 Customer stated that unit is leaking. Found fill valve is staying open all the time causing overflow. Ordering valve and main control in stock.; ordrng 1 W10872255 (valve) and 1 W10906426 (cntrl-elec)
Near Upland, CA 91784
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR AMANA ASI2575GRS00 Filter housing is defective and leaks without filter.; ordrng 1 W1117291 (FILTER HOUSING)
Near Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8700EC2 Customer stated that dryer will not connect to whirlpool app. Customer has already worked with the technical department. Installed parts sent by whirlpool to customer. Customer to call back to technical to further assist with connectivity issues.
Near Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Job Details: 10/19/2018
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG515S0ES1 Customer stated igniter is not arcing. Ordering spreader and burner cap in stock.; ordrng 1 WPW10183375 (cap-burner) and 1 WPW10515455 (burnr-head)
Near Fontana, CA 92336
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT311FZDW01 Need to come back and silicone duct and add spacer to hinge.
Near Rialto, CA 92376
Job Details: 10/19/2018
M/W OTR MAYTAG MMV1174FZ0 Customer stated unit starts t9 click and shuts off. Found relays on main board are shorted. Removed and replaced board tested all works good at this time.
Near San Dimas, CA 91773
Job Details: 10/19/2018
M/W OTR WHIRLPOOL WMH32519HV1 "Ran diagnostics. Found magnetron is noisy, not heating. Replaced magnetron, HV diode. Load tested ok several times. Heating, turntable, blower, control, lights are working properly. Complete."
Near Covina, CA 91722
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER AMANA NTW4605EW0 "Replaced gear case, splutch, belt,shifter. Agitator, screw, strike. Cold fill hose coupler rusted out, broke off when I pulled out washer 1 foot. No hose bibs. Advised customer to call plumber. Ran diagnostics, calibration, drain and spin. Unable to water tested unit. Complete."
Near Azusa, CA 91702
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ00 "RC not cooling. Ran diagnostics. Damper, evaporator fan are working. FC is cooling. Return air is clear. Ordering control, bi- metal( harness kit ). orderng 1 WPW10292244 (wire harness) and 1 WPiW10503278 (refer elect cont brd)"
Near Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL NO MODEL PROVIDED Not home. No unit number. Gated community.
Near El Monte, CA 91732
Job Details: 10/19/2018
RANGE - GAS WHIRLPOOL WEG730H0DS0 "Found oven vents, cooktop completely covered with foil. Removed foil.Ran diagnostics- no fault codes. Tested bake. Unit is heating properly. Tested broil. Broil is heating properly. Advised to preheat oven 30 minutes before putting in food for proper temperature. Complete."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91406
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW0 Replaced valve and tested unit. Unit functions as designed.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91040
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD7500GW0 Upon arrival unit would not heat and shuts down. Found loose connection at gas coils. Secured connection and tested. Unit functions as designed.
Near Burbank, CA 91504
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KFXS25RYMS2 "Upon arrival unit had frozen drain tube with ice in freezer. Needs a repair for duck bill at service call rate or defrost with an additional labor rate. Cx wished to pay for defrost. Cleared drain tube and defrosted unit, removing all ice and cleaning behind cx unit. Emptied drain pan of excessive water. Reinstalled unit and per cx verified water line was not kinked. Cx states they are real happy with the service."
Near Los Angeles, CA 90065
Job Details: 10/19/2018
OVEN KITCHENAID KEBC107KSS0 "Upon arrival unit keypad was mostly unresponsive. Only the cancel and timer button worked. Tested and found shorted keypad, which shorted main control. Parts show discontinued. Contacted TP for parts availability and parts were discontinued."
Near Los Angeles, CA 90042
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER FISHER AND PAYKE DD60399 We don’t service this brand.
Near Los Angeles, CA 90039
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDPE234GBS0 Upon arrival unit would not heat during a cycle. Tested and found heater turns on and stored 7-1 code. This is due to water temp in home being below 125F and the control disabled heater. Put unit in calibration cycle and instructed cx on proper use and care of unit. Unit functions as designed.documented with Dustin SR 7723193127
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KDTE104ESS1 Upon arrival unit touchpad unresponsive. Tested and found faulty touchpad. Keypad covered under manufacture 5 year coverage. ; ordrng 1 W10903576 (panel-cntl)
Near Acton, CA 93510
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 Removed and replaced part. Sealed liner to the cabinet. All ops checked good ; used 1 8201711 (food grade adhesive) from stock
Near Palmdale, CA 93552
Job Details: 10/19/2018
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG525S0HS0 Customer having issues with the unit turning itself on. Checked errors and found shorted sensor. Ohmed out sensor and it was out of range need to replaced sensor and control ; ordrng 1 W11159621 (CONTROL )
Near Littlerock, CA 93543
Job Details: 10/19/2018
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS588FIHV Found the air duct falling doown. Tabs are gone needs new duct ; ordrng 1 W11040868 (duct-air)
Near Lancaster, CA 93536
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM03 Removed and replaced part. Tested unit. All ops checked good
Near Rosamond, CA 93560
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW7590FW0 Found the unit having noise issues. Basket was super loose. Pulled toward. Needs new tub ; 1 WPW10737541 (tub-outer)
Near Atascadero, CA 93422
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM04 Upon arrival customer stated unit freezing in fridge section. Tested unit in diagnostic test and found refrigerator section thermistor is shorted. I removed and replaced thermistor. Tested unit unit is cooling and functioning normal at this time of service.
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GX5FHTXVY05 "Upon arrival customer stated unit has power and lights are on but is not cold and control has two lines not displaying temp. Inspected unit and found unit has bad control is not displaying setting. Informed customer my findings customer approved repair I removed and replaced control programmed control and tested unit is cooling and functioning normal at this time of service."
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 10/19/2018
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE FGGF3059TFA Upon arrival customer stated unit is not heating properly. Inspected unit and found 5 Thermometers inside oven according to customer unit is off in temperature mor on right side than left. Using my digital thermostat probe at 11:00 unit read 350 and my readings are 354 330 360 345 356 348 359. Unit is heating and functioning as designed unit is keeping a middle temp of 350 unit is heating properly and is functioning normal at this time of service. Called techline to document techline stated that there is nothing I can do to fix unit is functioning normal at this time of service techline file number 82095824.
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FPBS2777RFO Upon arrival customer stated unit is giving power failure at door but unit is working fine and fridge door gasket is tearing. I tested ui on door is functioning normal unit is needing new ui and door gasket. I did not install parts due to customer needing more parts unit is still making ice and is functioning properly at this time ordering parts. ; ordrng 1 241778307 (gasket-refr door) and 1 809091201 (control assembly)
Near Oxnard, CA 93035
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7500VW Replaced motor blower drive and heating element assembly. Tested ok.
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF4A Upon arrival customer stated unit is leaking. I inspected unit and found bottom door gasket off unit causing unit to leak from bottom of unit. Ordering bottom door gasket. ; ordrng 1 5304500204 (GASKET)
Near Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DC0 "Cx states unit stopped mid cycle and threw a “DNR” fault on UI display. Left standing water in unit. Cx showed a video to tech of above events. F9E1- drain pump system / long drainF0E5-off bal load, Found cx was washing two large camping jackets. Unit was off balance and faulted out. Tech manually filled tub half way with water and manually drained all water out via control. Unit drains with no issues or leaks. Ran auto service test with no issues all operations are normal, Job complete"
Near San Joaquin, CA 93660
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW2 "S225EQ-unit will not start confirmed. Found failed thermal cut-off. Installed replacement component test pAssed unit is operating with heat. The unit still needs the handle ; ordrng 1 W10861225 (handle), used 1 W11050897 (CUTOFF-TML) from stock"
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT111SFDM04 Upon arrival I customer stated unit is not cooling in fridge section. Inspected unit and found evap fan motor not working. Removed and replaced fan Motor. tested unit is now cooling in fridge section and is functioning as designed.
Near Madera, CA 93638
Job Details: 10/19/2018
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE FFGF3054TSA CX says the front right burner not operating. Confirmed also front left not operating. The module is getting power but no spark. Replaced harness and module. Passed operation and function test. All ops normal.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91344
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD4815EW2 Removed and replaced gas coils. Turned gas back on and ran timed dry. Unit now heats as intended. Unit has proper venting and flow. Ops as intended job complete
Near Madera, CA 93637
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ00 "The CX says food freezes in fresh food section, and IM doesn’t produce ice consistently. Found dampner not opening all the way and slaps closed and won’t open. Replaced control. Cycled IM, no water valve and filter good, replaced IM. REMOVED POWER REPLACED COMPONENTS. powered unit cycled and started. All ops normal."
Near Madera, CA 93637
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "Unit is not washing not spinning, possible no drain unit has water. He led error codes no codes in the unit. Tested all components and function. Found door latch sticking long delay before open /closing in normal operation. Replaced the latch, calibrated unit passed. Unit is operational. All functions normal."
Near Fresno, CA 93728
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC415EW1 "MH0G700DPL1-Cx says the unit is not operating fills and sits, or will act sporadically. Checked error codes found several codes. F7/E6 F1/E1 F7/E5 F5/E3, unit performance is poor. Found center seal leak water is in the motor gearcase actuator and shaft of gearcase leaking. Unit needs several replacement components. ; ordrng 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W10832724 (drive motor) and 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W11035747 (gearcase) and 1 W11124822 (CONTROL), used 1 W10838613 (LATCH) from stock"
Near Los Angeles, CA 91316
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DC5 Customer states washer noisy and not draining. Found f0e5 out of balance and f0e3 over load error cleared codes no issue found ran rinse and drain no problems found at this time. Customer instruct loading and cycle selection.home depot
Near Hidden Hills, CA 91302
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MHW8200FC0 "Removed top panel and rear panel, removed water pressure sensor and installed new water pressure sensor. Remove old drain motor and installed new drain motor test for leaks ok test washer operation ok, reinstalled top and back panel. Washer working at this time."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91325
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS01 Removed and installed new freezer door gasket. New gasket does not seal against cabinet on bottom. Found ice build up inside cabinet and inside freezer door. Used heat gun without success. Removed and reinstalled door as low as possible on rails and still not able to make up gap to cabinet. Appears door lines is not straight / defective Appears crack in liner is allowing warm air to enter freezer. Needs new door; ordrng 1 12977880SQ (dor-fip ss)
Near Calabasas, CA 91302
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JS48PPDUDE01 "Found no frost pattern on evaporator freezer showing 34 degrees F, refrigerator 50 degrees f. Ordering compressor W11103181 and evaporator WPW10427993; ordrng 1 W11103181 (compressor) and 1 WPW10427993 (evaporator)"
Near Calabasas, CA 91302
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MEDX655DW1 "Removed back panel, test thermal fuse ok, found dryer cycle thermostat not connected. Tighten terminal to cycle thermostat reinstalled back panel test dryer ok at this time."
Near Calabasas, CA 91302
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD85HEFC0 Found burner assembly 280119 leaking and thermal fuse W10693363 open (note was able to test using a test fuse); ordrng 1 280119 (gas burner) and 1 W10693363 (fuse-thrml)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91604
Job Details: 10/19/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MAH2400AWW Found door off hinge door cover WP34001178 cracked and inner door WP34001178; 1 WP34001178 (cover-door) and 1 WP34001179 (holder-glass)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91304
Job Details: 10/19/2018
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BS3 Cx states two left burners do not work. Purchased few weeks back and has not worked since install.Left two burns click but no ignition. Heads are clean and ignition sparks are visible. Right two burners are normal and operate as intended.Removed and replaced left two burners. Found loose connections to electrodes. Tested unit and all burners now op as intended. Job complete
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 10/19/2018
ELECTRIC RANGE GE JGSP28BEK2BB Unit needs 1 WB18T10343 (harness switch)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LFSS2312TP0 Cube solenoid stuck in up position Realigned and tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS588FIHV00 Customer indicating that water filter only leaks when ice maker fills not when dispensing water thru door. Removed and reinstalled filter then filled ice maker thru service test 45 without leaks
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 10/19/2018
FREEZER FRIGIDAIRE FFHS2611LBRA "Upon arrival ice maker would not cycle,replaced ice maker and found open coil on fill valve, replaced valve and retested Tested ok"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER GE GLDA690F00WW "Found damaged wires at junction box, removed damaged area and repaired connections Tested ok"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 10/19/2018
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG505M0BS3 Installed kit per service pointer
Near Coarsegold, CA 93614
James Ramsey
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DISHWASHER BUILT GENERAL ELECTRIC GSD4060K01SS Replaced all parts. Found unit to be bellied from install. Cx to call install company to fix
Near Nipomo, CA 93444
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER AMANA NGD4655EW2 "Replaced parts and tested unit. Unit now functioning as intended. No dents, dings, or blemishes on or around unit caused by tech."
Near Ahwahnee, CA 93601
James Ramsey
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFIRGERATOR GE GFE28HSHFSS Unit need compressor. Cx to call if they wanna go through with repair. Collect 115 for sc; ordrng 1 WR87X23410 (egd60 compressor kit)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LFTR2021TF2 Fan motor not running replaced with listed part Tested ok
Near Livingston, CA 95334
James Ramsey
Job Details: 10/19/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4815EW1 Unit caught fire. Took pics. Called wp and documented.
Near Guadalupe, CA 93434
Job Details: 10/19/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRMF706ESS01 Ordering correct parts; ordrng 1 W10625069 (bracket) and 1 W10625070 (bracket)