Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 11/28/2018
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD49STBW2 Cycled unit and found unit with bad flame sensor . Ticking on and off while attempting to light. Unit will need new sensor. ; ordrng 1 WP338906 (sensor)
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC555DW "Unit has bad control, while running any diagnostics board is dc is failing. Was able to see unit has shifter error. Tested it and found bad shifter. Unit will need both shifter and board repalced.; ordrng 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W11116591 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DW Cycled unit and found unit with pressure fault error causing it not to advance in wash. While running diagnostics heard grind coming from rotor. Rotor teeeth are worn along with slider. All 3 parts will need to be replaced ; ordrng 1 W10734521 (slider) and 1 W10754161 (motor rotor) and 1 W10812418 (cntrl-elec)
Near Delano, CA 93215
Job Details: 11/28/2018
RANGE KITCHENAID KSGG700ESS Cycled uni and found it with f6e1 error code. Tested and found unit with bad board and sensor out of tolerance causing it not to cycle. ; ordrng 1 W10833885 (sensor) and 1 W11034208 (cntrl-elec)
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MAYTAG Cust approved Vern cleaning 125 ; schdld next appmnt for 11/28 WED !
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB765FW0 "Cycled unit snd found short cycling causing unit not to heat correctly. Accesed vent and found lint build up causing poor airflow, removed lint and retested it. Unit is now cycling and heating with no errors. Job compReferred cust to have vent cleaning as well."
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT780SAEM1 Installed new rack adjusters on unit. Retested it snd it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LGHX2636TF "CUSTOMER COMPLAINT BROKEN CRIPSER AND POOR COOLING making noise. Found broken crisper which will warranty will not cover. Tested fans for cooling and found no airflow. Accesed freezer evap and found broken fan blade causing it not to cool. Replaced fan blade, retested it and it’s now cooling with good airflow. Job comp; used 1 5308000010 (FAN BLADE) from stock"
Near Strathmore, CA 93267
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC465HW0 Bottom half of door slightly sticking out. Cust just bough unit snd had it delivered. Removed and realigned both door hinge and door. Retested it snd door is now closing evenly. Job complete
Near Delano, CA 93215
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "Cycled unit snd found gear case grinding and leaking oil causing noise complaint. Replaced cam,hub,washplate. Retested it snd dit passed all tests with no errors. Job comp"
Near Shafter, CA 93314
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF Cycled unt and found un with bad door latch causing It not to advance in wash. Replaced ltch. Retested it and unit now cycles with no errors. Job comp
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
MICROWAVE OVEN JENN-AIR JMC2430DP01 "Magnetron a shorting out and sorted out thermostat and control board. Unit needs a new thermostat, magnetron, and control board; ordrng 1 W11098747 (magnetron)"
Near Shafter, CA 93263
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF736SDAM "Upon arrival found unit not cooling. No frost patterns on evap causing no cool. Tests compressor and found low amp draw indicating low charge. Installed new up drier,pulled vaccum,recharged system, inspected for leaks and found none. Unit is now cooling in both sections. ; used 1 AF1200 (TUBE EXTENSION), 1 R134A (5.3), and 1 WPW10143759 (DRIER ASSEmblY) from stock"
Near Delano, CA 93215
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Cycled unit and found unit with door latch error causing it not advance in wash. Repalced latch. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Tulare, CA 93274
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE EI23BC56IS0 Installed new parts on unit. Ice maker mold is now sliding up and down. It passed all tests with no errors. Job complete
Near Exeter, CA 93221
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT541SZDW00 "Installed ne parts on unit. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errros, jb comp"
Near Earlimart, CA 93219
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHR MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Cycled unit and found unit with stripped hub causing unit not to spin. Replaced hub. Retested it and basket is now spinning. Unit passed all tests with no errrosl job comp; used 1 W10528947 (HUB) from stock
Near Exeter, CA 93221
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER GE GTWN4250DWS "Installed new parts on unit. Retested it snd it passed al, tests with no errors. Job comp"
Near Lindsay, CA 93247
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW "Cycled unit and found unit with fill error and shifter error causing error, replaced water valve. It’s now filling correctly. Also tests shifter and found bad trac on it. Replaced shifter. Retested it and it passed all tests with no error.s job comp"
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 Cycled unit and found unit full of water causing it not to power on. Tested pump and found pump getting voltage but not responding. Shifter also noisy. Replaced both pump shifter. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete; used 1 W10876600 (PUMP-WATER) from stock
Near Terra Bella, CA 93270
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Upon arrival found unit with no power. Tested for voltage and found bad connector on harness. Repaired connector and secured harness. Retested it and unit is now powering on. Ran through test cycle and it passed with no errs. Job comp
Near Taft, CA 93268
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHF2366PF/FA Unit needs new control; ordrng 1 5304508861 (CONTROL)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT970SAHZ0 Installed new part on unit. Console is responding ran tests cycle and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 11/28/2018
MICROWAVE MAYTAG MMV4205DS1 Installed interlock switch kit and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 11/28/2018
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS51EC0AS Upon arrival of that unit was dead. Found thermal fuse open. Removed and replaced fuse and tested unit. All functions operating normally; used 1 WPW10545255 (FUSE-THRML) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER GE GTDP300GMWS Upon arrival of the unit would not start. Unit needs new door switch. Cannot find parts on this model. Unit needs door switch; saved tckt
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER GE GTW485ASJWS Find arrival unit was leaving water at the bottom of the tub and was very loud in the drain cycle. Found unit with faulty drain pipe. Remove and replace drain pump and tested unit. Unit functions normal now; used 1 WH23X27574 (PUMP) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Upon arrival the unit would not fill with water and would not calibrate. Removed and replaced valve an control and calibrated and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHT2021TW Upon arrival unit would not cool. Found unit with massive roach infestation causing start device to short out and make compressor short cycle. Failure caused by environmental cockroach infestation. Repair not covered by Frigidaire do to infestation. Bill out for service call and diagnostic
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GSS30C6EYW00 Removed and replaced door hinge and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSO48FTX18 Robert...7723540270Upon arrival customer was complaining that new compressor made noises that old compressor never did. Call tech-support and described noises to Robert at tech-support and he said all noises are normal. Compressor design has been changed as well as inverter board design and noises and running speed have changed. Unit functions normal
Near Taft, CA 93268
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR GENERAL ELECTRIC GSS25GSHJCSS "Removed and replaced filter housing with water lines, dampener door with cover assembly, fresh food temperature sensor, and control board, customer declined filter. Unit functions normal now"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 Upon arrival unit was loud and living on. Found oil all over cam and pulley coming from gear case. Removed and replaced gear case and cam assembly and tested unit. Unit functions normal
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWX655DW1 Customers agreement was working. She did not need service
Near Bakersfield, CA 93305
Job Details: 11/28/2018
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE FFEF3003NW Upon arrival there were sparks coming from the oven. Found short in bake element. Remove and replace bake element. Unit was not testable because there was no incoming voltage a power supply. Customer needs to call an electrician to get power supply rectified. Please inform customer of COD charges for return visit if power supply has not been rectified; used 1 316075103 (ELEMENT) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 11/28/2018
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE LGGF3046TF Removed and replaced controls and overlay and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Pasadena, CA 91101
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYM05 Cx states fridge isn’t cooling again. Inspected unit and found leaks at evap and factory weld from cabinet to condenser. Ordering evap and rescheduled cx for 11/29 please give enough time to do evap job ; ordrng 1 WPW10321158 (evaporator)
Near Arcadia, CA 91007
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIS29PBMS00 Cx states fridge has been making loud noise and it’s off and on. Inspected unit heard noise com8ng from compressor. Compressor is making loud noises and turning off. Ordering compressor. Did not reschedule due to availability cx will need to be called and put on schedule ; ordrng 1 W10276644 (compressor)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91342
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSC24C8EYY02 Cx states no ice production. Previous tech diagnosed as a sealed system issue. Freezer temp is at 8 degrees and fridge at 39 temps are normal. Hooked up gages all levels look fine no sign of sealed system problems. Upon installing new dispenser motor found wrong part was sent. Re ordering motor. Tried to test ice maker ice maker would not cycle. Removed and replaced ice maker. Ice maker cycled and filled. Re ordering motor. Did not reschedule due to availability cx will need to be scheduled ; ordrng 1 W11202789 (MOTOR )
Near San Gabriel, CA 91775
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB835DC3 Separate issue from previous visit. Cx states water is just sitting in dispenser after cycle. Ran diagnostics got no error codes ran test cycle and unit functioned as designed but dispenser was full of water. Ordering inlet valve with housing. Cx would like to be scheduled on 12/4 ; schdld next appmnt for 12/4 TUE 9-11
Near Los Angeles, CA 91042
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
Near Pasadena, CA 91104
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7800XW2 Cx states that the unit won’t spin inspected unit and found washer is showing error code F51 and f71. Inspected 7nit. Found bearing is leaking oil and making loud noise as tub is spinner. Rescheduled cx for 11/30 due to not having bearing tool on truck. Collected the sc of 115.00
Near Pasadena, CA 91103
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC42FMS00 Cx states fridge temps are to cold. Inspected unit and found open thermistor. Also heard noises from damper Cx states hearing noise off and on damper stuck in open position. Removed and replaced both the damper and thermistor quoted and collected a total of 552.61 via CC
Near Pasadena, CA 91107
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT780SAEM2 C states hearing noises again. This time had unit running and I was able to hear noise. Bottom spray arm was banging against bottom rack. Removed and replaced both upper and bottom spray arms. Ran unit and noise went Away. C approves repair. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Altadena, CA 91001
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWB765FW2 Removed and replaced control. Calibrated and tested unit. Unit is functioning as designed. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Altadena, CA 91001
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 Cx states that when unit arrived it had food between doors. Informed cx that it’s a cosmetic issue And it won’t be covered under warranty. Explained to cx if unit had streaks when it was delivered she should have contacted warranty right away but since it’s past 30 days then it’s not covered. Explained to cx I can removed and clean door for a $200.00 fee per crystal and cx denied repair.
Near Glendale, CA 91214
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER ROPER RTW4640YQ1 Cx states washer just fills and that’s it. Ran diagnostics got no error codes. Ran test cycle unit functioned as designed. Ran manual test and all functions are normal instructed cx on proper loading of unit. Collected $115.00 sc via cc
Near Pasadena, CA 91107
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSN602ESS00 Removed and replaced both door gaskets. Unit is now sealing propely. No dents dings or scratches caused by tech.
Near Arcadia, CA 91007
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL W1TXEMFWQ00 Removed and replaced evap motor. Cleared ice from drains and air return. Collected a total of $139.86 via check number 1701.
Near Chatsworth, CA 91311
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 Kinzie apon arrival W10916478 cx stated unit shut off and never turned on again I couldn’t get unit in diognosis or anything unit is completely dead inspected out let have 120v and properly wired ordering; ordrng 1 W10916478 (cntrl-elec)
Near Arcadia, CA 91006
Bryan Dunn-Wilson
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW4 Removed Nd replaced UI. Ran calibration and test cycles. Unit is functioning as designed.
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 Apon arrival removed and replaced gearcase actuator cap and cam retested and gearcase does not ingadge spin u can hear it trying but does not sound like its locking in requesting double labor to re do job all over again re ordering gearcase cx not happy at all informed them it’s not my fault part is bad cx will be calling whilpool. cx wants emailed report of pvr cx has not been able to do loundry since and requests machine be replaced w11035751; ordrng 1 W11035751 (gearcase)
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91390
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 "Apon arrival cx stated unit was not cooling had almost 45 degrees in fridge found compressor not running removed and replaced start device from truck stock w8201786 inspected all tubing in back with black light and found no leaks retested job complete instructed cx to give unit 24 hours to cool and if it does not call us back and we need to send out a sealed system tech ; used 1 8201786 (START DEVICE,COMBO) from stock"
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW7590FW0 Apon arrival removed and replaced bellow retested unit finished with no leak job complete
Near Los Angeles, CA 91402
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
RANGE AMANA AGR4230BAW3 Apon arrival door was completly off reinstalled door retested job complete
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MGD6000AG1 W10505663 steam valve is stuck open even when unit is unplugged unit needs new valve ordering make 2 job count disconnected water line from drier so cx can operate unit until we get part ; ordrng 1 W10505663 (water inlet valve)
Near San Fernando, CA 91340
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW2 Apon arrival cx stated unit not washing properly cx had unit sitting in a 3 ft bro 2 foot hole unit not stable at all had cold water turned off because valve is leaking so bad and had overload error code instructed him to call plumber to move washer out of hole and instructed him on proper loading job complete
Near Los Angeles, CA 91326
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSD608ESS01 Apon arrival cx stated they were getting little water pressure tested and it was very slow removed filter and still was slow installer did not put access valve at the front of the unit so I had to uninstall built in to check water pressure uninstalled built in and disconnected hose and poured into bucket and a ton of black stuff spit out reinstalled built in and now have proper water pressure to dispenser requesting 2x labor
Near Los Angeles, CA 91326
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
TRASH COMPATOR KITCHEN AID KTTS505ess0 Apon arrival trash compactor was not shutting off when unit was going up and would make knocking noise found foot switch was bent so switch was not being fully engaged also found loose connection on limit switch resecured retested job complete
Near Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW9700VW00 W10243941 W10004180 W10159904 apon arrival cx stated unit makes load noise in spin tested unit and found unit has bad tub bearing quoted cx he stated he will buy a new unit job complete
Near Barstow, CA 92311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
MICROWAVE MAYTAG MMV4205DS1 Cox stated microwave will work occasionally. Unit will say open and close door and sometimes work. Unit needs interlocks and door switches. ; ordrng 1 W10269457 (switch) and 1 W10269458 (switch) and 1 W10269460 (switch)
Near Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
COMPACTOR KITCHENAID KUCC151JSS0 Cx stated they are going to call whilpool to try and get sc autho
Near Barstow, CA 92311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS576F1DM00 Found ice maker working fine ice bucket building up ice. Needs ice door and harness needs to be siliconed. ; ordrng 1 WPW10493172 (door-ice)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91326
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
COOKTOP KITCHENAID KGCU483VSS Apon arrival cx inspected found one panel defective one good removed and replaced panel cx inspected and approved job complete requesting extra labor for multiple visits and repairs do to defective parts
Near Lenwood, CA 92311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER HOT POINT HSWP1000MWW Found timer not engaging. Removed console and find teeth on coupler to timer broken. Needs new timer motor. ; ordrng 1 WH01X10314 (knob assembly control) and 1 WH45X22698 (timer washer)
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDPE234GPS0 Apon arrival removed and replaced both rails cx inspected job complete
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91351
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW Removed and replaced valve unit now operates as deaighned job complete
Near Simi Valley, CA 93063
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ00 "Unit water line in the freezer door is leaking when getting water at the dispenser, ordered water lines; ordrng 1 WPW10238091 (tube-water) and 1 WPW10386778 (tube-water)"
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ08 Completly different complaint bill again cx stated entire fridge is freezing food cx has temp set to 39 I got 36 degrees with food oven hanging shelves blocking damper instructed cx of proper food location what to do and what not to do job complete
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM04 Replaced the light bulb and switch in the freezer also the fresh food light module was flashing like a strobe light ordered the module and main board; ordrng 1 W11043011 (module) and 1 W11043763 (cntrl-elec)
Near Castaic, CA 91384
Billy J.
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE254ESS1 W10902372 apon arrival removed and replaced sump motor retested job complete unit ran for 10 minutes no leaks dings or scratches
Near Westlake Village, CA 91362
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JS42NXFXDE01 "Needs 8 call count checked operations unit is not cooling at all compressor and fan motors are running room temps in both sections, compressor is abnormally loud needs new compressor and explore to see if there are leaks and needs uv drier ordered parts going to need a 8 call count to do the repair right Called tech line Adrian SR#7723545070 ; ordrng 2 W10388653 (tube)s and 1 W10890886 (heater-pan) and 1 W11103181 (compressor) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer) and 1 WPW10427992 (evaporator)"
Near Barstow, CA 92311
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW0 Inspected unit and found drive pulley backed out and pulley nut lose. Removed nut and applied loc tite. Reinstalled pulley nut and tested unit and it functions normally.
Near Fillmore, CA 93015
Job Details: 11/28/2018
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 "Burned out igniter has a crack in it , ordered new igniter; ordrng 1 W11176454 (IGNITER )"
Near Victorville, CA 92394
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER GE GTW485ASJ1WS Removed and replaced suspension rods. Tested unit and it functions fine.
Near Fillmore, CA 93015
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHB2750TD0 Replaced the control and ice maker tested ok at this time
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 11/28/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8540BW1 "Replaced the door lock asembly tested operates normal now , unit is working as designed"
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT970SAHZ0 "The key operations unit is working as designed , advised customer to in crease the hot water temp only 109 degrees Manufacture requires minimum 120° hot water customer needs have the builder turn off the hot water past 120° to get 120° at the Fossett and it takes forever for the water to get hot from their customer instruct customer at doesn’t understand there’s also by not having hot enough temperatures will not clean or sanitize the dishwasher as well unit drains good operate well advised to use a fresh tablets once a month also to help clean up the dishwasher"
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MGD6000XW1 Replaced the rollers and idler wheels tested ops normal now
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
Job Details: 11/28/2018
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRT541SZDW00 "Unit operating thermostat was sticking in the off position and not cycling on and off in a correct manner , replaced the thermostat tested ok at this time ops normal allow 24 to 48 hrs to get back to normal"
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Job Details: 11/28/2018
FREEZER WHIRLPOOL WRS576FIDW01 "unit has a busted icemaker , , ice maker $89.87 tax 6.67 trip charge $115.00, labor 75.00 totaling 285.54 , mr declined to repair at this time collected trip $115.00 paid check"
Near Fillmore, CA 93015
Job Details: 11/28/2018
MICROWAVE OVEN GE PEM31SF2SS Replaced the microwave door tested operating correct now
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 11/28/2018
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 Replaced the detergent dispenser tested ops normal now
Near Simi Valley, CA 93065
Job Details: 11/28/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF757SDEH01 "Found nothing wrong with the refrigerator I suspect customer is hearing the unit intermittently cooling on high she said it usually lasts around 20 minutes and then goes away , advised her to read the user manual and look up the noise and sound that are listed in the trouble shooting guide operating ok And also let the customer know we will have to charge the next time we are out 115.00 for the trip charge , mrs Cox understood reported to partners team as well Lisa sr#7723448148"
Near Oakdale, CA 95361
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 "Removed doors, dividers, deli drawers, drawer rails, found deli drawer wire harness cut in half, replaced wire harness & support. tested deli drawer control functions, unit operating as designed."
Near Manteca, CA 95336
Job Details: 11/27/2018
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WOC95EC0AS04 "Checked for codes, no code found, checked heating function of unit , unit heating ok, only hearing normal operating sounds. unit operating as designed ."
Near Manteca, CA 95336
Job Details: 11/27/2018
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KOCE500ESS05 "reset unit checked cooking function, checked all conections, ordered parts for repair as per service matters info.; ordrng 1 W10217711 (inverter) and 1 W10915648 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11098747 (magnetron)"
Near La Verne, CA 91750
Job Details: 11/27/2018
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 Customer stated that the unit stopped mid cycle. Found unit will not drain and will not select drain cycle. Removed and replaced pump tested all works good at this time.
Near Salida, CA 95368
Job Details: 11/27/2018
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB835DW3 "dissembled dryer, installed dryer repair kits, unable to use belt, prdered belt for unit. ordered belt for unit.; ordrng 1 w11162091 (belt ), used 1 4392067 (DRYER REPAIR KIT) from stock"
Near La Verne, CA 91750
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFXS25RYMS4 Customer stated that ice maker stopped working. Found ice stuck under shut off arm. Fixed and tested all works good at this time.
Near Azusa, CA 91702
Job Details: 11/27/2018
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 Customer stated that the dishwasher is not washing the dishes correctly. Found lower spray arm was not installed properly and not washing. Fixed and calibrated all works good at this time.
Near La Verne, CA 91750
Job Details: 11/27/2018
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Ustimer stated that the unit is making noise when starting and stopping the cycle. Found gear case is slipping. Ordering gear case.; ordrng 1 W11035751 (gearcase)
Near Duarte, CA 91010
Job Details: 11/27/2018
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 "Removed and replaced console, tested all works good at this time."
Near Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FMDM Customer stated that the back wall in the freezer. Unit is not going through defrost. Removed and replaced control box and harness tested all works good at this time.
Near Fontana, CA 92336
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDEM00 Tightened handles all works good at this time.
Near San Dimas, CA 91773
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSC24C8EYY02 Customer stated that ice bin not staying in place and ice maker is not working. Found ice maker is stalling. Removed and replaced ice bin and ordering ice maker in stock.; ordrng 1 WPW10756907 (icemaker)
Near Claremont, CA 91711
Job Details: 11/27/2018
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB4949SDZ0 Customer stated that the upper rack spray arm fell off. No damage reinstalled spray arm and calibrated all works good at this time.
Near Pomona, CA 91767
Job Details: 11/27/2018
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8740DW0 Customer stated that the unit keeps flashing error code. Found pressure system fault and over flow condition. Ordering pressure switch in stock.; ordrng 1 WPW10448876 (switch-wl)
Near Claremont, CA 91711
Job Details: 11/27/2018
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSRB27FHSS02 Customer stated that the refer door is popping when open and close. Found closers are moving. Removed and replaced closers tested all works good at this time.