Near Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Job Details: 03/18/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KMBS104ESS02 Replaced cover. Unit works no as intended and customer approves.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF989SDAH00 "Deli board bad, unplugged for now; ordrng 1 WPW10565996 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD7500GC0 Installed parts and lugged unit into extension coats to test ignitor. Glow bar working as intended. Job complete.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
MICROWAVE GE PEB2060SM2SS Bad mag tube APPROVED APPROVED ; ordrng 1 WB27X26081 (magnetron)
Near Santa Maria, CA 93455
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF Customer stated that service had already been done by another company. Service no longer needed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF305ESS00 Tightened freezer door handle and removed door mullion and reinstalled.Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFIRGERATOR JENN-AIR JS48PPDUDE01 Replaced defective part listed Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRSC503ESS01 Replaced listed part Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KMBS104ESS02 Line fuse not secured into holderSecured and tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DISHWASHER BOSCH SHX68T55UC/02 "Replaced listed part, customer says unit not draining, filled and drained unit multiple times with no failure."
Near Bakersfield, CA 93304
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 Replaced listed part Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
MICROWAVE GE PEB2060SM2SS Bad mag tube APPROVED APPROVED ; ordrng 1 WB27X26081 (magnetron)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93304
Job Details: 03/18/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 Replaced listed parts due to multiple discoloring issues Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFD2560HES Relay stuck on boardAPPROVED APPROVED ; ordrng 1 WPW10503278 (refer elect cont brd)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93301
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW0 Replaced listed part Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WALL OVEN GE ZSC2001FSS01 Replaced line fuseTested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHB2866PFEA "Fan frozen and fill tube leaking ; ordrng 1 241920103 (tube-water), rqstng P&A on 1 242146002 (GASKET ) and 1 5303918784 (air handler housin), ordrng 1 5305877995 (compound)"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER GE GTW330ASK2WW Installed motor new board defective ; ordrng 1 WH18X28176 (CONTROL )
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KBFS20EVBL10 Replaced listed part Tested ok
Near Bakersfield, CA 93314
Job Details: 03/18/2019
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DISHWASHER GE GSD3360D35SS Reinstalled center of lower spray arm towerTested ok
Near Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WHD5090GW0 "Removed dryer, top panel , sides and old motor assembly. Installed new belt, motor and reinstalled side and top panels replace dryer and test dryer operation ok at this time."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91403
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN JENN-AIR JJW3430DS02 "Test oven for codes verified F1E1 error test checked connector and test oven operation at 350 degrees F. Ok and firmware ok, cleared codes and test for errors no problems or errors duplicated at this time."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91423
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFC2089BEP00 "SR 7724382583. Freezer upper shelf not in properly, ajar put on track correctly freezer door now closing properly. Refrigerator freezer working as designed."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91403
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW2 Found control getting power but no display or operation. Removed console and old control board. Installed new control board and test washer operation ok at this time.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91423
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FPS00 Per service pointer W11033419C ordering new board W11333076 with update version test 128 and new ice maker W10908391; rqstng P&A on 1 W10908391 (icemaker) and 1 W11333076 (CONTROL)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91423
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER AMANA NED4655EW1 "Verify some noise in back of dryer, removed back panel and lint chute found obstruction at blower removed blower , blower housing hitting blower, Corrected blower housing, reinstalled blower, lint chute, back and front panels.Test dryer operation ok at this time."
Near Los Angeles, CA 90049
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DOUBLE WALL OVEN KITCHENAID KODE500ESS04 Found control calibration was plus 20 degrees F.Set calibration to 0 degrees test oven at 350 degrees F. and then broil. Oven operation ok at this time.
Near Los Angeles, CA 90049
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW3 Found drain hose to drain motor not properly seated removed hose and secured hose on to drain pump. Test washer operation ok at this time.
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "The washer has a drain motor failure. The motor is seized. Unit is full of water. Checked error codes long drain off balance. Replacing pump, and suspension. CX IS TO CLEAR ALL WATER OUT. ; ordrng 1 W10876600 (PUMP) and 1 W11130362 (SUSPENSION)"
Near Los Angeles, CA 91436
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 "Removed all shelves and evaporator cover and fan harness. Installed new harness and evaporator cover. Reinstalled shelf’s. Removed rear refrigerator control panel , old control board and installed new control board. Advised customer to let refrigerator stabilize for 24-36 hours."
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MRT118FFFE01 Cox is experiencing poor cooling. cox instruct: this unit is not rated for outdoor use. The unit needs to be in the house. Unit will operate 8n proper setting.
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ00 "Removed power. Installed replacement parts. Powered unit, cooling on. All ops normal."
Near Fresno, CA 93711
Job Details: 03/18/2019
MICROWAVE KITCHENAID KEMS308SSS04 "Installed the inverter, test failed code F1/E5. rest retest same called tech line. Tested power to the inverter proper powersaid in these unit replace mag and inverter at the same time. Now reordering mag and inverter. ; ordrng 1 W10217711 (INVERTER) and 1 W11098747 (MAG)"
Near Madera, CA 93637
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SDHZ00 "Removed power. Installed motor. Powered unit, cycled on fan operating. Allow 24 hrs to balance operations."
Near Fresno, CA 93702
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 "F0/E3- over lodes F9/E2-long drainCleared code, suspension test show weak suspension. During console test found couple button not responsive. Replacing console. Ran test 51 at end of diagnostics. ; ordrng 1 W11130359 (SUSPENSION) and 1 W11135391 (CONSOLE)"
Near Madera, CA 93636
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW0 Cox says the washer is not spinning. Che led the unit. Found loose belt. ; used 1 WPW10006384 (BELT) from stock
Near Fresno, CA 93711
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4800BQ1 "Removed power from unit. Removed components for replacement. Installed replacement parts. Test components, and calibrated. All ops normal, passed."
Near Fresno, CA 93706
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW0 "7nit has a failed gear case and suspension. Checked the gear case noises in operation, failed bearing. The center seal leaks. Ordering replacement parts. ; ordrng 1 W10528947 (HUB) and 1 W10721967 (CAM) and 1 W10752283 (WASH PLATE) and 1 W11035751 (GEAR CASE) and 1 W11130362 (SUSPENSION )"
Near Fresno, CA 93705
Job Details: 03/18/2019
Near Fresno, CA 93702
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER GE GTW330ASK4WW "Cox says the unit is not finishing cycles. Error codes one for Faisal lock error. Installed replacement lock. Test lock in test mode passed. Checked all other function, passed."
Near Morro Bay, CA 93442
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF540CWHZ01 Found refrigerator fresh area still freezing fresh area need to replace center control ok to order parts.; ordrng 1 W10464767 (housing) and 1 WPW10677146 (cntrl-elec)
Near Camarillo, CA 93012
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD93EC7AS01 "Lower oven not working. Pulled oven out and checked unit. All components they look in order. Unplug all the connectors and reconnect them, upper and lower oven are working now.
Near Morro Bay, CA 93442
Job Details: 03/18/2019
FREEZER KITCHENAID KFIS29BBMS00 Found refrigerator running lights ok not cooling freezer evaporator does not have a full frost pattern need to replace compressor and evaporator in freezer area and dryer ok to order parts need a seal tech for repair.; ordrng 1 W10276644 (compressor) and 1 W10917531 (evaporator)
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/18/2019
LAUNDRY WHIRLPOOL WTW8900BC0 Broken washer lid hinges. Replaced both. Tested ok.
Near Oxnard, CA 93033
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW2 "Replaced suspension, level the washer and ran a manual and automatic tested. Tested ok."
Near Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FSS01 Found refrigerator running ok customer instruct refrigerator going into a defrost testing ok complete. No dents or dings cause by tech.
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID WRV986FDEM00 Installed new parts on unit and it still having the same issue. Unit has a short deli In deli drawer and recommending to repalce exterior harness to rear door switch.; ordrng 1 W10815674 (dor-fip ss) and 1 W11170612 (HARNESS) and 2 WP12466104 (switch- re)s
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4815EW "Pre I’d parts for reservation. ; ordrng 1 279838 (element,heater) and 1 WPW10185982 (timer)"
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWC200BW Unit gear case is leaking water through tub seal. Shifter is soaked and gear case is going to need to be repalced along with cam.; ordrng 1 W10721967 (drive pulley) and 1 W10913953 (actuator) and 1 W11255272 (GEARCASE)
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB850YW Found unit leaking out of the right corner. Accessed and found bad bearing causing leak. Replaced bearing p. Retested it an dit passed all tests with no errors or leaks. Job comp
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHW02 Tested dispenser and found low water dispensing. Found kink in water tube at door causing low water. Removed kink and safely realigned door and secured tube. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Lindsay, CA 93247
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS322FDAB00 Found unit valve not filling while running ice maker test. Found ice maker getting voltage but not advancing. Replaced both valance and ice maker. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete
Near Exeter, CA 93221
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER ELECTROLUX EFLS627UIW Found unit with broken strut causing it excessively vibrate. Replaced strut. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp; used 1 137412701 (STRUT) from stock
Near Delano, CA 93215
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4850HW1 "Found unit with its overloaded code causing unit to be off balance an make noise. Ran through diagnostics cycle and it passed all tests.Customer not familiar with new style of washer. Instructed customer on proper loading,soap usage, and additional functions. Job complete"
Near McFarland, CA 93250
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER GE HTWP1400FWW Found unit bad door switch causing unit not to spin. Replaced switch and cleared out water valve. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Bakersfield, CA 93314
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR BO KITCHEN AID KRMF706ESS Installed new parts on unit. Retested it and door is now sealing with no gaps. Unit is cooling with no errors. Job complete
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Driver shaft to motor is broken noise. Basket also is no longer turning. Unit will nneed new motor.; ordrng 1 W11283592 (MOTOR)
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL NTW4516FW0 Cycled unit and found unit with light flashing. Control is not responsive causing failure. Replaced control. Retested it through diagnostics and it passed all tests with no errors. Job comp
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL MVWC200BW Installed new parts on unit. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FMDW00 Cycled unit and found blocked insulation to tower blocking air channel causing no cool. Removed tower and secured insulation. Removed all ice build up. Retested unit and it now cooling in both sections. Job comp
Near Pixley, CA 93256
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BS3 Found main n board with burnt contact causing board no longer to power pin. Replaced control board. Retested it and it’s now powering oven with no errors. Job complete
Near Delano, CA 93215
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4855HW0 Isntalled new agitator. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete
Near McFarland, CA 93250
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRIYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8900BC0 Installed new seal on unt. Retested and unit is now cycling and heating with no errors. Job complete
Near Wasco, CA 93280
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW1 Installed new gearcase on unit. Retested it and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete
Near Shafter, CA 93263
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFTR1821QB Found unit drain port clogged causing it to overflow and and leak. Removed draintube and cleared error. Reinstalled and secured panels and tube. Retested it and it’s no longer leaking. Job comp
Near Shafter, CA 93263
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW "Upon arrival found unit getting cottage but board not responding causing it not cycle. Replaced control. It powered on, ran diagnostics and it passed all tests with no errors. Job complete"
Near Shafter, CA 93263
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHD2368TF1 Found bad ice maker thermistor causing it not to make ice. Alps found frozen water tube. Defrosted tube and replaced ice maker. Unit cycled and filled with no errors. Job comp
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFIRGERATOR MAYTAG MSF25D4MDM01 "Upon rival unit was not cooling because unit was not going into defrost and fan was not turning. Unit needs new evaporator harness and new fan motor; rqstng P&A on 1 4389144 (motor, and 1 W10539759 (harns-wire)"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER - GAS MAYTAG MGDC465HW0 Unit needs coils ; ordrng 1 WPW10328463 (coil-valve)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93309
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFT2574DEM Removed and replaced freezer icemaker fan and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT710PAHZ1 Unit not draining because check valve and drain hose was not opening. Unit needs a new drain hose; ordrng 1 WPW10545278 (hose-drain)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRIYER ELECTROLUX EFMG627UTT Upon arrival the unit would not start. Found the unit not starting because the door would not latch. Removed and replaced door latch and tested unit. Unit functions normal now; used 1 5304513568 (LATCH) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDBM00 Upon arrival the unit would not make ice and I could not remove the ice bucket from the unit. Found water valve sleeping and caused a block of ice in the ice bucket and icemaker to short out. Removed and replaced ice maker and water valve and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93305
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MGDB765FC Upon arrival the unit would not heat and was not staying close to when running. Found the catch not staying close on the strike and found the thermal fuse open. Removed and replaced catch and fuse and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93307
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG540H0AS Upon arrival the door handle had fallen off. The vent Grill where the handle attaches to the door broke. Unit needs new vent Grill and spacers and handle and screws; rqstng P&A on 1 W10335333 (trim-vent)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER AMANA NGD4655EW2 Upon arrival the unit was not drying the clothes. Found thermal fuse open. Removed and replaced in a fuse and instructed customer to clean restricted vent. Unit functions normal now; used 1 3392519 (
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN MAYTAG MGR6600FZ0 Pie arrival unit was giving a control fault. Removed and replaced control and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93313
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER - GAS MAYTAG MGDC465HW0 Removed and replaced gas coils and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 03/18/2019
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ASI2575FRS00 Upon arrival unit was not making ice and water valve was chattering. Found icemaker module burned out. And found solenoid on water valve vibrating excessively. Removed and replaced water valve and ice maker and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93305
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 10674942400 Upon arrival the unit was not cooling in the fresh\ section and there was a ton of ice in the freezer section. Found the unit not going into defrost due to a faulty defrost by metal. Removed and replaced by metal and defrosted unit. Unit functions normal; used 1 WPW10225581 (BIMETL-DEF) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93301
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Upon arrival the unit was not spinning. Unit was giving a shifter fault code. Removed and replaced shifter and calibrated and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Bakersfield, CA 93308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW Removed and replaced drive pulley and tested unit. Unit functions normal now
Near Clovis, CA 93611
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS01 Customers issue is that water was leaking from underneath refrigerator. Found there was a bad hose connection at the water valve. Went through and make sure all connections were secure and tight. I then got all the air out of the line major dispenser was functioning. Everything checks out good no more water leak. Job complete
Near Clovis, CA 93619
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS0 On return visit pulled dishwasher out removed pump assembly and control board. Also installed new drain pump and sensor. Reassembled dishwasher back together. Cycled through all functions test normal. Job complete
Near Clovis, CA 93619
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC215EW1 On return visit I replaced. Timer relay and installed dryer repair kit . All functions test good job complete
Near Clovis, CA 93619
Job Details: 03/18/2019
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC215EW1 On return visit I replaced. Timer relay and installed dryer repair kit . All functions test good job complete
Near Visalia, CA 93291
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHB2740PPAA "Upgraded air handler housing kit. Installed new fan and gasket kit. All specs tested ok of time of repair, fan now coming on with no problems. Unit now working by design."
Near Visalia, CA 93292
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW0 Will need wash plate to make proper repair.; ordrng 1 W10902814 (washplate)
Near Visalia, CA 93291
Job Details: 03/18/2019
Near Visalia, CA 93292
Job Details: 03/18/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS00 "Installed new ice door, unit now making ice. Wrong color door came in, ordering correct color door. ; ordrng 1 W10815701 (dor-fip ss)"
Near Visalia, CA 93292
Job Details: 03/18/2019
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE FFGF3054TSC "Installed new leg and leveled unit. Tested all other specs, specs tested good. Unit is now working by design."
Near Tulare, CA 93274
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL NTW4516FW1 "Installed new agitator, ran unit through calibrations cycle. Ran unit through automatic test mode and unit passed all tests. Unit now running complete cycle and working by design."
Near Shafter, CA 93263
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4950HW1 Unit still making clunking noise during spin cycle. Ordering new cam and hub kits.; ordrng 1 W10528947 (drive hub kit) and 1 W10721967 (drive pulley)
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8540BW1 Found failed door hinge not keeping door open. worn suspension unit goes off balance because of it. and a console that has keys not responding ; ordrng 1 W10440786 (suspension) and 1 WPW10309357 (hinge) and 1 WPW10521078 (console)
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
ICEMAKER WHIRLPOOL WSF26C3EXW01 Failed ice maker found ice maker motor half way thru cycle and not advancing ice maker has 120v to it replaced ice maker new ice maker cycled and tested good
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 03/18/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG515S0ES1 Failed spark module it has power at module from main control but not producing spark broiler and bake burners are not igniting replaced module tested good
Near Apple Valley, CA 92307
Job Details: 03/18/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW3 Failed drive loud squealing coming from drive as basket rotates. It’s the rubber seal rubbing on drive shaft routed for drive ; ordrng 1 W11134159 (DRIVE)