Near Waterford, CA 95386
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDC215EW2 "File # 7727349223 mark tech line- 7719799017 safety team- cx unit caught on fire during use, look at all pictures, unit is outside with washer as well, cx claims they had came home and found there laundry room to be on fire, cx does not want unit repaired, wants a replacement, safety team said that they are going to reach out to the cx within 7-10 business days. I also sent pics to whirlpool tech line."
Near Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 "Did not receive shifter. Not a recall. Different problem.Ran diagnostics. Had f7e7, f8e1, f0e2 error codes. Found no hot water. Found red wire terminal pin backed out of J9 connector. Reinserted pin into connector. Ran calibration, auto test cycle. Fills, agitates, drains, rinses, and spins properly. Instructed customer NOT to use powder detergent, use HE liquid ( level #1 on cap ) or 1 pod. Complete."
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF767SDHZ00 "No lights in ceiling of RC, previous repair attempts by replacing LED Control Board, unsuccessful. Continuity test of LED in FC shows that LED Module in FC failed, remaining lights light up with a bypass. Module in PreID wrong part, order single LED Module./Module - (W11205083); ordrng 1 W11205083 (module)"
Near Turlock, CA 95380
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDHW01 "Fixed 4 fcc- cx claims unit is freezing items in the ff, found damper to be stuck open, found thermistor to be out of range, installed new parts (control, thermistor) found cooling, temps, ice & water dispenser, lights, fans to be working as designed, cx ok repair."
Near Clovis, CA 93612
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER - ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL WED5000DW Found hi limit bad replaced placed tested working to spec venting held on with duck tape
Near Modesto, CA 95355
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED7500GC0 "Trade partners sr#7727346057 . Safety hazard Instructed customer, Found dryer vent completely smashed, dryer not venting properly, to be running dryer like this “ customer abuse”. Advised customer needs to pay $115 if today visit not covered. Instructed customer to have home venting cleaned ASAP."
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX988SIBM01 "Removed and replaced compressor. Didn’t fire up right away and the invert was getting power. Needs inverter ; rqstng P&A on 1 WPW10154805 (invrtr-box), states that autho needed"
Near Modesto, CA 95355
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB880BW0 Fixed- found door catch faulty not allowing door to close. Replaced with (truck stock) ran and tested. Door is now latching/closing properly. Unit is not working and fully operational ; used 1 WPW10111905 (DOOR CATCH) from stock
Near Modesto, CA 95350
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 "Tech line sr#7727344954 . Instructed customer- Installation unsatisfactory, unit drain is located in the ground, and needs to be 39” inches high per installation instructions. Needs to be corrected, please contact installers/contractor. Unit siphon all water out during wash causing errors as well as clothing not distributed evenly causing vibration."
Near Modesto, CA 95355
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB835DW2 "Fixed- installed new parts (console, valve) calibration 52 passed, auto test 51 passed, no codes, no leaks, unit is working as designed, cx ok repair"
Near Modesto, CA 95358
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SMBB00 "Fixed-replaced icemaker assy, ran and tested Not leaking. Unit now fully operational, allow 24hrs for ice production"
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC400VW0 Dryer won’t stop. The door switch failed. Replaced door switch. Test passed. All ops normal
Near Yucaipa, CA 92399
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDC465HW0 Won’t heat. Takes several cycles to dry garments.Confirmed Heating ok now that door catch secures door to seal airflow to dryer.As designed operation returned after addressing catch
Near Patterson, CA 95363
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC416FW1 "Leveled unit, Found right rear leg falling through sub floor, ran self diagnostics, unit operating as designed, instructed cx to get floor repaired , see pics."
Near Onyx, CA 93255
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GW2 Replaced hose.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WALL OVEN KITCHEN AID KOSE500ESS01 Replaced controls. Unit tested ok
Near Yucaipa, CA 92399
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KSSC48QTSOO Motor for ice delivery won’t operateConfirmed Found shorted wires inside door unable to repair without replacing door.Door estimate with replacement requires two man job.1968.64 total repair estimate declined. Paid 115.00 trip/diagnosis. Chk#984
Near Highland, CA 92346
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDC465HW0 IWMakes excessive squeaking rollers stuck. Dragging.Replaced dryer repair kit from truck; used 1 4392065 (DRYER REPAIR KIT) from stock
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSS48QDX05 "Found the unit not cooling,replace compressor evaporator exchanger and heat pan, charge refrigerant check compressor condenser and refrigerator fan motors running normal (30 days in labor, and 1 year in parts) customer pay $2,124.87 with check 2785."
Near Friant, CA 93626
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSC42QMS01 Found unit not making ice due to faulty ice maker. Replaced ice maker with Pre-ID and tested unit. Unit is now working properly. Customer approves function. Quoted and collected $478.50 in full via CC
Near Santa Maria, CA 93454
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8040DW4 Unit not filling properly due to water valve not opening water on cold side ever time. Ordering new housing. Will return when parts arrives. ; ordrng 1 W11173597 (housing)
Near , CA 93626
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KRFC704FPS03 Found unit not making ice due to faulty ice maker. Replaced ice maker and tested unit. Unit is now working properly. Customer approves functions.
Near Sanger, CA 93657
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325SDHZ04 Installed compressor had problem with Thorch r/s for Thursday pleas; schdld next appmnt for 3/12 THU !
Near , CA 93667
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDC215EW0 Installed door switch and tested unit. Unit is now working properly. Customer approves function at this time.
Near Canoga Park, CA 91304
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL ACR2303MFW3 Broken wire harness and faulty switch Replaced switch and complete upper harness Reinstall unit and powered and test all components and range is working and heating properly
Near Los Angeles, CA 91364
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER ELECTRIC MAYTAG MHW8100DC0 "Removed top panel and old ACU control board . Installed new ACU control board test washer operation ok, no codes. Washer working at this time."
Near Covina, CA 91724
Job Details: 03/12/2020
RANGE - ELECTRIC WHIRLPOOL WFC310S0ES4 Per maintenance LR element stays on when switch is in OFF position. No voltage at LR terminal block when infinite switches are in OFF position. Instructed customer. Surface elements are working properly at this time. Complete.
Near San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER-GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD8620HC0 Installed parts tested check out ok complete. No dents or dings cause by tech.
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KEBS109BSS00 "Customer was complaining of oven not working at all (No display). I checked the unit and I found an open Thermal Fuse. Replaced open Fuse (WPW10545255). After the power was back on I set the unit in diagnostic and I tested the cooling fan motor. Tested ok.The customer was charged with: Service call $115.00, Labor $60.00, Thermal Fuse (WPW10545255) $22.86, Tax $1.66, Total:$199.52.Customer paid in full using a Visa card, Reference #2042494273."
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM00 Customer was complaining of no ice production. I checked the unit and I found loose connector at the water valve. Reconnected electrical connector at the valve and cycled the Ice Maker. Tested ok.
Near Westlake Village, CA 91361
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WET4124HW0 Customer was complaining of dryer not heating enough. I checked the unit and I found nothing wrong. This Electric Dryer works with 120 VAC. Dryer is cycling and heating normal. Tested ok.
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GW0 "F8/E6water hazard F2/E1- stuck key F7/E0-power lossCleared error codes ran the test in diagnostics unit lost power. The door latch was bad failed to open. Replaced lock. Calibrated unit,passed. Al, ops normal."
Near Coalinga, CA 93210
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KECC502GBL3 "Customer was using the cooktop , not safe to work on .; schdld next appmnt for 3/17 TUE !"
Near Redlands, CA 92373
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6630HC0 Complains of washer not finishing a load. Soaked clothesConfirmed error codes and found F0/E5 F4/E1. Off balanced load and water heat problem codeControl ui display faintly lit up in standby mode.Contacted wfcc techline. No data in serv matters matched this machine.spoke with Chris Ref#7727348248; rqstng P&A on 1 W11322883 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11325573 (cntrl-elec)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC300ESS03 The over cooling was a customer instruct on how the air flows from the freezer. The noise never appeared. Speculation is that there may be frost on the freezer fan blade. Customer will try to record the noise and due a few checks if the noise reappears
Near North Fork, CA 93643
Job Details: 03/12/2020
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WFG320M0BW2 Found unit not working properly. Due to orfices not being correct. Ordering LP orfices. Quoted customer 111.83. Will collect return visit. Reacheduled customer for Tuesday 3-17-20; ordrng 1 WPW10619558 (LP offices)
Near Redlands, CA 92374
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE334GPS0 Dispenser brokenConfirmed Ordering detergent dispenser ; schdld next appmnt for 3/11 WED !Returned to replace defective dispenser and ran diagnostics as designed op returned.
Near Los Angeles, CA 91601
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER AMANA ADB1400AGS1 After running diagnostic check unit working properly as designed
Near Redlands, CA 92374
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FPS00 Confirmed that door hinge covers broken at top of ffd doorsOrdering hinge covers only comes as an assembly.; ordrng 1 W11199487 (cover) and 1 W11204565 (cover)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91604
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 "The dishwasher will not start up, no display. Note, the dishwasher was plugged in where the garbage disposal is. When you shut off the garbage disposal you shut off the dishwasher. Inform the customer that they need to find a proper socket. They are aware now, the dishwasher test good"
Near Los Angeles, CA 91605
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KRMF706ESS01 "The freezer door was not closing all the way, sucking in moisture which caused the freezer to frost up the evaporator coil. Defrosted evaporator coil. Cleaned and lubed the door tracks for the freezer door. The refrigerator and freezer tested good with no error codes."
Near Fresno, CA 93722
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 "S225EQ-authoCx says the unit just stopped working and made a noise and failed. Found the hub and gearcase are failed. Replaced parts, I also installed suspension. Calibrated unit, passed. All functions normal. ; used 1 W10528947 (HUB) from stock"
Near Apple Valley, CA 92308
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDX655DW2 Valve failed coils on gas valve causing song valve not to open also radian heat sensor has a shattered glass rerouted for coils and radiant heat sensor ; ordrng 1 W10823508 (burner-gas) and 1 WP338906 (sensor)
Near Quartz Hill, CA 93536
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FPS03 Found defective heater fill tube.; ordrng 1 W11366500
Near Azusa, CA 91702
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER - GAS WHIRLPOOL WGD7500GW0 Ran diagnostics. Had f2e1 error code. Found gas valve buzzing when on. Needs gas valve. ; ordrng 1 280119 (BURNER- GAS)
Near Burbank, CA 91505
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW7590FW0 "Replaced water valve inlet assembly, and the water level pressure switch. The washer tested good at this time. No error codes her fault."
Near Burbank, CA 91504
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ED2FHEXVQ01 Replace the bracket that holds the ice maker and water dispenser arm on the front door in position. Also replaced the water fill valve for the icemaker in the water dispenser. This came with an extra quarter inch tubing which I replaced for the icemaker. The refrigerator and the ice and water test good.
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER AMANA NGD4655EW2 Customer (Home Depot) is complaining of damaged dryer cabinet. Ordered parts and rescheduled. Allow (2) counts for this repair.; ordrng 1 279220 (clip) and 4 3392100 (sub 49621)s and 1 W10248059 (panel) and 1 W10316616 (seal) and 2 WP8066092 (lock)s and 1 WP8563663 (top)
Near Visalia, CA 93277
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KSSO42QMB01 "Unit is not cooling. Checked freezer evap and no frost pattern. Checked heat exchange and found high side leak. This is a built-in. Will require two man, unit needs to be pulled out. Job will take 4-6 hours. Heat exchange has to be drilled thru back wall. Need at least x3 labor. ; ordrng 1 W10508992 (exchanger) and 1 WP2306093 (evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer)"
Near Bakersfield, CA 93305
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFW2055FRZ00 no ice ops. Needs new fill tube and valve. Ice maker harvests but no fill. Tube damaged on delivery ; ordrng 1 W10329003 (clamp) and 1 W11292468 (fitting) and 1 WPW10496649 (tube-water)
Near Burbank, CA 91504
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KEBC278KSS02 "Paid check 6727. See my office notes open has a bad top upper oven cooling fan. Which truth the high limit on the back of the oven and a thermal fuse at the control. The estimate was $900. For labor, and the parts. The customer is looking for a coupon/ web link for a loyalty program for KitchenAid."
Near Riverbank, CA 95367
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW2 "Fixed-installed tub ring and tested ok, auto test passed. Also advised customer may need to use “affresh” wash cleaner due to unit sitting for weeks unit it was recently repaired."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91406
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT111SFDM04 Found making popping noise inside the freezer. Found freezer door not closing causing ice buildup in freezer sealed gasket and make sure it closed. Found bottom door knock sealing properly as well after trying to mold will not seal using heat gun. Needs new gasket and new evap motor Client wants new unit referred customer to Home Depot customer will wait to schedule; ordrng 1 W11030683 (gasket-dor) and 1 WPW10253821 (motor-evap)
Near Templeton, CA 93465
Job Details: 03/12/2020
COOK TOP JENN-AIR JGD3430GS00 "Uninstalled unit, visual inspection of Manifold shows no damage. Attempted to reposition Manifold, no change. Check of installation shows that unit is not resting on the back side, sagging, and causing knobs to sink into Top Panel, demonstrated when applying pressure to the back side underneath. Tech recommends supporting the back side by adding to the framework of the counter. Customer to contact retailer and installer of unit. Tech will also contact Installation Supervisor at retailer about options to help customer. No damage to unit or home from tech, job complete."
Near Visalia, CA 93292
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS571CIHZ01 Customer stated condensation ice build up in freezer Performed diagnostics Checked sealsFound top part isn’t sealed properly Used blower dryer to soften seal to be flushed Tested PassedJob completed
Near Los Angeles, CA 91604
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW5630HC0 Had to order the part this is a wiring harness that the whirlpool tech line suggested.; ordrng 1 W11038117 (harns-wire)
Near Paso Robles, CA 93446
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD8500DC1 "Ran diagnostics, found error code F2E1. Cleared error code, ran diagnostics, activating Steam System, no leak in back or underneath, water coming out of the front of the door, spray hitting door and leaking down. Calling Techline./Techline - RichDocumenting event, Techline states that if load is not large enough the water can hit the front door and leak down onto the floor, no way to change direction of spray./SR - 7727348504/Check okay, no damage to unit or home from tech, job complete."
Near Los Angeles, CA 91040
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL MGD6630HW0 Replaced inlet thermistor.After running diagnostic check unit working properly as designed
Near Los Angeles, CA 91316
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDW02 Found freezer not freezing won’t control temperatures properly. Bad control. Ordering control Cx okayed tomorrow prefers first thing am ; ordrng 1 W11353813 (CONTROL)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91352
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS325FDAM04 Cx states that unit is not working properly.After running diagnostic check find that no lights on both compartments.Replaced upper and lower light module Unit working properly as designed.
Near Bakersfield, CA 93312
Job Details: 03/12/2020
COMPACTOR KITCHENAID KTTS505ESS0 Repaired open neutral to tilt switch. Unit tested ok
Near Altadena, CA 91001
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW9550WW00 Checked unit found broken detergent dispenser causing a leak. Ordering part and RS for Thursday or Friday.; ordrng 1 WPW10015190 (drawer)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91326
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSD602ESS01 Replaced all boards no more cricket noise. Job complete.
Near Patterson, CA 95363
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW3 "F8E1, Found no cold water flow through water valve, ordered water valve for unit, ; ordrng 1 W11038689 (valve)"
Near Malibu, CA 90265
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFU0 Units boot was torn causing unit to leak. Replaced boot and unit
Near Oxnard, CA 93030
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW6200VW "Customer is complaining of washer not running. I checked the washer and this unit has multiple problems: Worn out bearing and I was unable to remove the basket from the shaft, also has a damaged Console that has been discontinued. as well the Agitator has been Discontinued too. ; ordrng 1 W10076310 (agitator assy) and 1 W10183845 (console) and 1 W10193886 (tub outer) and 1 W10321522 (basket) and 1 WPW10268788 (cntrl-elec), states that autho needed"
Near Oxnard, CA 93036
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADB7 Rescheduled for Tuesday 03/17/20 to be able to contact the Tech Line. Allow (2) counts for this repair.; schdld next appmnt for 3/17 TUE !
Near Bakersfield, CA 93306
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN KITCHENAID KODE507ESS04 Didn’t have to pull the unit out. Removed and replaced control. Tested unit. All ops checked good
Near Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR JENN-AIR JFX2897DRM02 Customer is complaining of Freezer Door Gasket falling down. I checked the unit and I found thorn up Freezer Door Gasket and damaged Freezer Door Liner. Freezer door has to be replace.; ordrng 1 LW10547320 (dor-fip ss)
Near Porterville, CA 93257
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MED6630HW1 Dryer is vibrating and making rattling noise.Found dryers rear leg had fallen off unit as leg was out too far causing unit to not sit stable while tumbling.Reinstalled left rear leg and leveled 3 remaining legs so unit now sits level. Unit no longer vibrates during spin cycle. Job complete
Near Santa Clarita, CA 91354
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL CEM2795FQ0 "Upon arrival unit is commercial unit not covered under labor warranty, cx agrees to second unit price of 57.50 for service call. Cx states unit doesn’t turn on or heat. Tested and found this is a 4 prong 240V system. At wall only one leg of 120 is present, missing other leg. Cx needs electrician for proper supply voltage. Collected SC via card."
Near Malibu, CA 90265
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW92HEFW0 "Cleared drain pump, F9 code.Upon completion of repair restricted drain noted.Customer needs plumber"
Near Merced, CA 95341
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW5000DW1 Was informed this unit got swapped out with a GE that was broken and needed work. Informed customer to call extended warranty and send it over to us as a GE
Near Hanford, CA 93230
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 Installed drive hub . Retested . All functions tested normal . No leaks .
Near Lemoore, CA 93245
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ02 "Inspected whirlpool refrigerator . Customer concerns , both compartments not cooling . Found shorted start device and central electric providing voltage intermittently to compressor and condenser motor . ; ordrng 1 W11043763 (cntrl-elec)"
Near Malibu, CA 90265
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD6620HW0 Unit was not heating due to restricted air flow. Pulled out lint from unit. Unit is now functioning as designed. Job complete.
Near La Crescenta-Montrose, CA 91214
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOD51ES4EW01 Cx states that unit is not working properly.After running diagnostic check find that upper oven is not heating up after Cx used self cleaning and Cx states that lower oven temperature is not heating properly.; ordrng 1 W10721214 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W10774836 (thrmst-fix) and 1 W10777627 (thrmst-fix)
Near Los Angeles, CA 91042
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5000DW3 Cx states that unit is not working properly.After running diagnostic check find that unit has a bad gas valve coil and ignitor ; ordrng 1 279311 (ignitor kit & bracke) and 1 WPW10328463 (coil-valve)
Near San Bernardino, CA 92407
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2570FEZ06 Ice maker leakingConfirmed Replaced icemaker with part#W10882923 from truck stock; used 1 W10882923 (ICEMAKER) from stock
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER - GAS MAYTAG MGD8200FC Found that blower housing is to be loose bracket hold it down causing house to vibrate on cabinet fixed bracket unit now has no noise
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW8630HW Cycled unit and found rear nozzle out of position causing drawer to slide forward and splash. Re-secured and properly positioned drawer. Retested VIA diagnostic with customer. Unit passed all tests time of service with no errors. Job complete
Near Nipomo, CA 93444
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8040DW4 Found washer not filling dripping need to replace valve ok to order part.; ordrng 1 W11173597 (housing)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
FREEZER KITCHENAID KRSC703HPS00 "Cycled unit and found unit contro not powering on compressor causing no cool. Reprogram control and units is now running, compressor is now cooking. All fans are operating with no errors. No cool caused leak. Ice maker cycled and filled with Whitaker with no leaks. Unit passed all tests it’s no errors. Job complete"
Near Oxnard, CA 93035
Hector Zuleta
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF520PADM7 Customer is complaining of dishwasher not running. I checked the unit and I found the motor wash not running. Ordered the Sump and Motor Assembly (W11025157) Nd the Electronic Control (W10906426). Allow (2) counts for this repair.; ordrng 1 W10906426 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W11025157 (pump&motor)
Near Los Angeles, CA 90027
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE204EPA1 Water temperature 114 degrees. $115 paid. Owe 220$ plus part. Confirm water heater works. The dishwasher is not washing. It just sits there and clicked; ordrng 1 WPW10605058 (pump&motor)
Near Glendale, CA 91208
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL JFC2089HTW Cx states that unit is not working properly.After running diagnostic check find that unit is not making ice.Replaced ice maker.Unit working properly as designed
Near South El Monte, CA 91733
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW72HEDW0 "Replaced pressure switch, and air trap. Ran diagnostics, unit is working fine at the time of service."
Near Palmdale, CA 93550
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ01 Replace defective board. Did not fix issue called tech line unrepairable. File number 7727349237
Near Bakersfield, CA 93314
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD4850HW0 Found connection to gas coils came loose not allowing for flame to stay on during cycle. Repaired connection and re tested. Unit now running through complete cycles and now heating and working by design. Job complete.
Near San Bernardino, CA 92407
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGDX655DW2 Won’t heat upConfirmed Found cracked ignitor.....replaced from truck stock; restored as designed operation.; used 1 279311 (IGNITOR KIT & BRACKE) from stock
Near Los Angeles, CA 91326
Job Details: 03/12/2020
RANGE KITCHEN AID KGCU483VSS02 Unit is not turning On Found broken ignitersNeed to order parts and rs call ; ordrng 2 WPW10364555 (holder-orf)s
Near Malibu, CA 90265
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBLC36FMS02 Need gasket...; ordrng 1 2302710 (gasket-fip)
Near Glennville, CA 93226
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WFG550S0HZ1 Replaced drawer slides. Unit tested ok
Near Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MGD8200FW0 "Removed top and front panels. Found thermal cutoff open, deli to dryer and removed and installed new thermal cutoff. Reinstalled panels and test dryer operation . Dryer working at this time; used 1 WP3392519 (THERMAL FUSE) from stock"
Near Visalia, CA 93292
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW6620HC0 Customer stated spring pop off washer is leaking in the frontPerformed diagnostics Found came off door bootRe installed old spring Tested PassedJob completed
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
OVEN WHIRLPOOL WOS72EC0HS01 Came to customer home found when opening unit display looked to have bad display can not select options or anything on display need display console need to be replaced; ordrng 1 W11351998 (CONSOLE)
Near San Bernardino, CA 92407
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGT4027HW0 VONNIE: authorization pending for parts and additional labor this is a washer dryer combination requires time to repair. At least a 3 call count.6262087855. Call this # so we can access apartment through tenet. Will not sustain power after releasing pts ordering common parts for this issue.; rqstng P&A on 1 279811 (motor!dryer) and 1 W10854240 (timer) and 1 WPW10420741 (switch-pts)
Near Bakersfield, CA 93311
Job Details: 03/12/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KBSD612ESS01 Unit in warranty per SB web. Cycled unit and found unit splashing due to bad icemaker. Icemaker is double filling causing unit to leak. Also found broken ice bin paddle causing it not to be removed from door. Unit will need new ice bin and icemaker; ordrng 1 W10769115 (ice-contnr) and 1 W11087434 (icemaker)
Near Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Job Details: 03/12/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL CAE2745FQ1 not enough info
Near Atascadero, CA 93422
Job Details: 03/12/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHZ0 "Customer has photos of water leak, shows large amount of water outside, within 30m, unit still has water inside and was still washing. Customer cancelled Wash Cycle, drained unit, and cleaned water spill. Customer first inspected the Float Device to ensure it was not pressed or stuck. Customer states that there was no water under unit, only at the front./Tech checked Drain Line and Sump, water still present. Tech ran diagnostics, no error codes. Tech ran unit, for 60m+, no leaks detected, no components leaking, suspect overfill situation. Order Control Board, Float Microswitch, and Water Valve./Control Board - (W11305308)Float Switch - (WPW10195039)Water Valve - (W11175771)ordrng 1 W11175771 (valve-inlt) and 1 W11305308 (cntrl-elec) and 1 WPW10195039 (float switch)"